Daugavpils: We keep hoping for the airport

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Daugavpils has one of the highest morbidity rates of Covid-19. That also places an additional burden on the work of local governments ‒ many issues that need to be addressed in time, care must be taken to ensure that the institutions continue to provide the services needed by the population, that schools are technologically well-equipped and teachers receive maximum moral and material support. The scholarship program for young doctors launched by the municipality in previous years is a huge benefit in today's conditions. Interview with Igors Prelatovs, Chairman of Daugavpils City Council.

The Covid-19 pandemic affects absolutely all areas. What are your subjective feelings in this difficult time?

Not only Daugavpils, but the whole of Latvia and also the whole world did not expect that we would become hostages of such a terrible disease. It seemed that something like this could only happen in movies. Therefore, the most important thing we can do in the current situation is to use all the possibilities of the municipality to help the city's population survive this difficult time. We also try to help the people emotionally ‒ people are tired of negativity, they are afraid, and that obviously leaves an impression on the general mood in the city.

We really want the citizens to be able to feel the festive mood in this difficult time, when there is illness and darkness around them, so this year the municipality has carefully considered the design of the city's festivities ‒ we have the most beautiful Christmas tree in Vienības Square, parks and squares have bright decorations, the festive mood is created in the pedestrian Rīgas Street, where there is not only a festive design but also Christmas songs and fairy tales are being played.

Speaking about the started infrastructure projects, I am pleased to say that all projects are continuing according to plan, including the insulation program of apartment buildings, repairing streets, improving tram lines. We have also thought about next year's work ‒ we keep hoping that we will succeed in implementing the Daugavpils Airport project and creating an industrial park. Despite the pandemic, life continues and we are working for the development of the city.

The outbreak of the disease in Daugavpils is quite serious ‒ how does it affect the availability of municipal services?

All council institutions and companies work remotely, but by prior appointment, all services to residents can also be provided in person. The social service also continues to receive visitors in person, but, as I said, it is organized by appointment. We have introduced various innovations that reduce the need for contact ‒ for example, submissions can be sent electronically or thrown in the mailbox.

I would add that all the necessary technologies for remote work are available in all institutions, including computers, microphones and web cameras, conference equipment, Zoom platform. Thus, municipal employees have the opportunity to work both from home and safely at their workplace.

Do you work together with the hospital to provide health care for everyone?

Not only in Daugavpils, but in the whole of Latvia, the biggest problem is not the number of beds in hospitals to accommodate Covid-19 patients, but the lack of doctors. Daugavpils municipality had already started a new scholarship program for young doctors several years ago, which has now provided a very valuable addition to our hospital. As part of the scholarship program, the hospital employs about 30 new specialists, but another 52 are currently receiving scholarships and will eventually supplement our hospital's medical team.

Covid-19 has not spared the doctors of our hospital either ‒ several have fallen ill or have been recognized as contacts and need to be in self-isolation, so it is sometimes very difficult to complete a full shift of doctors, nurses, and support staff. In addition, doctors have very difficult working conditions ‒ the whole day is spent in protective clothing and masks. I agree with the Ombudsman that this situation is not the fault of the government or the doctors, but of that part of the public who do not respect the rules of distance and other restrictions, causing an increasing number of patients. Naturally, such an attitude places an additional physical and emotional burden on our physicians.

What are the observations: is the demand for social services and benefits increasing with the Covid-19 crisis?

The social service accepts clients remotely or by prior appointment in person, so it is difficult to judge about changes in demand. I can only say that we are doing everything we can to make people's lives easier in the current situation, and we are doing so very successfully. A few days ago, I personally received a call from a Daugavpilian woman of respectable age, who thanked me for the fact that the social service works very efficiently, and the staff is responsive ‒ it is difficult for the senior to walk, so the social workers helped her fill in the application at home. This confirms that applications are processed very quickly, and in a few days it is possible to obtain the status of a deprived person, which is the basis for receiving various reliefs and benefits.

Binding rules have been adopted this year to provide support in crisis situations during the Covid-19 pandemic, which can be a benefit for both parents and children. For example, a benefit of € 150 is for those who have lost their jobs during a crisis or are unable to meet their needs for other reasons. Support is also provided for the temporary accommodation, care, and feeding of children if their parents are ill and unable to take care of them themselves.

State support for business and the economy is sometimes difficult to understand and chaotic. Does the municipality have the tools to support entrepreneurs and preserve the local economy?

I can agree that state aid is chaotic, unpredictable, and unprepared. Already in the first wave of the Covid-19 outbreak, the municipality provided support to several city entrepreneurs, applying real estate tax relief of up to 90%. Several companies, including hotels, have already received these benefits. Regarding support for start-ups, several years ago the municipality set up a support program for start-ups Impulss. Each applicant has the opportunity to receive one-time start-up support of up to 7,000 euros. This year, we have supported 11 projects, allocating a total of 62 thousand euros. This program has not been suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic either.

The education system is in crisis across the country. One of the biggest shortcomings is the availability of technology for students and teachers. What is the state support received and what can the municipality provide?

Last week we received about 30% of the promised number of computers from the Ministry of Education and Science, and it is unlikely that all needs will be met by the end of the year, so the municipality plans to buy the necessary computers for both teachers and students in the near future, so that distance learning can be of the highest possible quality. In recent years, a number of EU-supported projects have been implemented to improve the education system, so technological provision was already at a good enough level in many schools. Overall, our education department, school principals, and teachers coordinate the processes very well. Teachers, like doctors, are at risk, but the education process takes place in person, so the municipality will provide health insurance policies for all teachers from the new year, thinking about the health of teachers. Currently, 77 teachers and 42 technical staff of educational institutions are in self-isolation ‒ 20 of the self-isolated teachers have exercised their rights and taken out the incapacity sheet, while the rest continue their work remotely. In turn, the distance learning process in the city is currently provided by 452 teachers.

What are your personal new year wishes for Daugavpils residents and Latvia in general?

During this time, the most important thing is the health and strong faith in the good, which I wish not only to the people of Daugavpils but to all the inhabitants of Latvia. Of course, I also wish you prosperity, love, and joy. Merry Christmas and wishing you all a New Year rich in hope and new goals!

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