With diverse content, nra.lv achieves the largest audience growth among all Latvian portals

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In contrast to most news portals and sites, where, as usual in the summer months, the number of visitors decreased especially in July, the news portal nra.lv had a significant increase in readers in July, according to the top 20 list of the most visited sites by Latvian Internet users published by the international Internet research and technology company Gemius.

Gemius points out that almost all top sites have shown a drop in traffic from computers. At the same time, the portals nra.lv and spoki.lv have shown the largest numerical increases in the number of visitors both overall and on mobile devices.

With the summer trends continuing, most of the top sites in July also showed a drop in visitors. The largest decrease - 35,000 users less than in June - was shown last month by the website of legal acts likumi.lv (200,000 users in July). Meanwhile, lv.sputniknews.ru, which was visited by 188,000 users in July, experienced a drop of 27,000 users from all devices.

However, several sites have shown significant audience growth. In July, the visits of the news portal nra.lv increased by 50,000 visitors from all devices (438,000 visitors in July), while the entertainment site spoki.lv saw a growth of 46,000 visitors (246,000 visitors in July), but the number of visitors for the weather news portal gismeteo.lv increased by 36,000, reaching 330,000 visitors from all devices in July.

Top 20 most visited websites in July 2021 / Screenshot from Gemius.lv

The users of the mobile version of nra.lv have increased by 58 thousand

In July, the ranking of mobile traffic, as in previous months, is opened by the portal delfi.lv with 820,000 visitors (+32,000 visitors), including visitors who use the mobile application of the portal. It is followed by tvnet.lv with 631,000 visitors (-10,000 visitors) and lsm.lv, which was visited by 605,000 readers from mobile devices last month, which is 13,000 less than in June. As is typical during the summer months, more than half of the top sites have shown an increase in traffic from mobile devices. The largest increase in the traffic in July was shown by the news portal nra.lv, which was visited by 58,000 readers more than in June, reaching 402,000 users from mobile devices.

“These results show that original content and the diversity of opinions that nra.lv is able to provide are in demand in society. In order to make the use of the portal more convenient, pleasant and interesting, at the end of June we created a new design for the mobile version, which our readers have already responded positively to,” comments Nauris Kāpostiņš, Chairman of the Board of SIA Mediju nams.

The largest decrease in the audience in July was shown by the website lv.sputniknews.ru, which was visited by 19,000 fewer users (183,000 users in July), while the audience of the portal 1188.lv decreased by 12,000 last month, reaching 329,000 users from mobile devices in July.

In July, Google was used by more than half of the Latvian population

In July, Google as usual topped the Latvian traffic ranking from computers with 1,051,000 users (2,000 less than in June), followed by youtube.com, which was visited by 720,000 Internet users from computers (6,000 less than in June). Meanwhile, with the largest decrease in the audience in July - by 73,000 users - facebook.com ranks third, which was visited by 613,000 users last month. Inbox.lv follows in the fourth position of the list with 560,000 users from computers in July (-18,000 users).

It should be noted that two new sites have joined the list - with 198,000 users, the domestic social platform draugiem.lv ranks 18th, and the top 20 is closed by the site tet.lv, which was visited by 194,000 users from computers last month.


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