Brussels urges justifying illegal migration

© Ekrānšāviņš

Engineers and architects who try to criminally enter the EU every day have every opportunity to go to the embassies of their dream countries and legally apply for tourist, study or work visas. They do not, they will not, but instead of protecting the Member States from the flood of people seeking a better life, the European Union intends to make this illegal flood a legal daily occurrence.

Last weekend, a high-level interparliamentary conference on "Migration and asylum in Europe" was held in Brussels. The aim of this conference was to bring together influential politicians from the Member States who support the European Commission's New Pact on Migration and Asylum, the keyword of which is solidarity, i.e. the forced involvement of all Member States in the management of migrants. For several hours, the European Parliament's rostrum was filled with moving speeches about the plight of migrants and, at times, outright lies, comparing today's economic migration with forced migration after the Second World War. An Italian MEP emotionally declared: "We must not allow babies to die of cold in the forests of Belarus!" and demanded the opening of humanitarian corridors to all comers.

A one-stop shop for migrants

Of course, babies should not be allowed to die of cold, but no such cases have been recorded so far. Belarus provides migrants with warmth, food, internet and even transport to the border. And that is the problem, that an unfriendly country to the European Union serves as a one-stop shop for migrants to achieve a criminal goal. To enter the European Union illegally. Children serve as a cover for them, and it works perfectly. Latvia, too, has already let in dozens of migrants because they had a minor with them. In fact, this is a green signal to migrants, because children are not separated from adult abusers. And in the speeches that have been made in the European Parliament, these bullies, criminals and other tourists are being called victims. Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Vice-President of the European Parliament, put the necessary emphasis at the very beginning of the conference: "Every migrant who dies at our eastern border is a deep wound to our values." He condemned policies aimed at radically curbing illegal migration as hate speech coming from the far-right and taught that "migration must be thought of in terms of demography and labor market demand. Migrants should therefore be allowed to use humanitarian corridors and wider legal migration routes should be defined within the EU".

Countries of origin should be paid more

The conference also focused on so-called development cooperation with migrants' countries of origin. This concept is based on the idea that European citizens' money can be used to look after third-country nationals in their own countries so well that they will have no incentive to go to where the money is coming from in search of a better life. But the plan is not working. Migrants are pouring into the EU from all sides, and Evelien van Roemburg of the association of NGOs working in countries of origin explained why. Because too little money is allocated and too little account is taken of the needs of these third countries. Currently, most development cooperation money is spent on sending migrants who have arrived in Europe back home. "A paradigm shift is needed! Human rights must be taken into account and it must be recognized that development cooperation goes hand in hand with migration."

Other listeners of the conference "Migration and Asylum in Europe" may have noticed different emphases, but for Neatkarīgā, the left sentiment in Brussels - to open the door to more migration - is most accurately summed up by Evin Incir, a Swedish politician of Kurdish origin:

"Protecting borders will not save migrants' lives! All countries have to spend 0.7% of their GDP on migration issues, and only three countries are currently meeting that target! We need world peace and we need to eliminate inequalities of all kinds!" Straight out of the Communist Party manifesto.

Migrants must work harder

So far, Latvia and the other countries affected by the migration offensive are still allowed to repel illegal migrants. Currently, legal and illegal immigration are legally strictly separate processes. Entering the Republic of Latvia is a criminal offence. A serious criminal offence for which, however, an amnesty has been declared under the state of emergency. This is to allow migrants in on humanitarian grounds. At the same time, the conditions and restrictions on legal immigration are being improved so that Latvia is not full of fake students and dubious businessmen from third countries. The Saeima Defense, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee has given its conceptual support to the new draft Immigration Law. Temporary residence permits will no longer be issued for property bought or money put in the bank.

And potential immigrants will have to understand, at least somewhat, how the country they are going to - Latvia - works.

Foreigners who are expected to stay in Latvia for at least three continuous years will be obliged to follow an early integration program, which includes a cultural orientation course, as well as the Latvian language at least at the first basic level. Meaning, architects and engineers will have to work harder in order to enter Latvia and the EU legally.


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