Supporters of Russian aggression announce a new provocation

Tatjana Ždanoka makes an anti-state speech in an empty European Parliament Chamber. © LKS publicitātes foto

In response to last weekend's march of Latvian patriots "For liberation from the Soviet legacy", supporters of the Russian Federation have announced a counter-action "Against the stupidity and evil of the leaders of this country (that is, Latvia). For a civil world, for the preservation of the monument to the liberators and for respect for all citizens of the country". The author of this provocation is the extreme radical organization Latvian Russian Union (Latvijas Krievu savienība).

It is difficult to imagine why the security authorities and the municipality would allow this provocative event, but it should be recalled that the Latvian Russian Union carries out its actions even when they are not approved or are even banned.

Zero tolerance should be expected

This is exactly what happened on May 9, the day of commemoration of the victims of the Ukrainian war, and also on May 10, when those who glorify the occupation of Latvia and Russian aggression gathered in front of the object to be dismantled "Monument to Soviet Soldiers - Liberators of Soviet Latvia and Riga from the German Fascist Invaders". This happened on May 13, when the rally in Town Hall Square was formally banned, but the leadership of the organization, headed by MEP Tatjana Ždanoka, came anyway to incite the gathered supporters of Russian aggression. However, they had not gathered in large numbers and even Ždanoka's detention could not provoke a riot. The demonstration of Russian world power in Victory Park, planned for the following day, failed due to rain. Moreover, the State Police, having gotten rid of some pro-Kremlin middle-ranking chiefs who had previously refused to follow orders from the leadership, now promises zero tolerance towards those who glorify Russian aggression.

The obelisk of the occupiers has been cleaned up

LKS publicitātes foto

Whether a new attempt to rally the disloyal Latvian population will be allowed to the Latvian Russian Union will not be known until a few days before the planned action on May 28. The applicants, as if parodying the Latvian patriots' march on Friday from the Freedom Monument to the occupation monument in Victory Park, will walk in the opposite direction, ending the march at the Freedom Monument - the symbol of Latvia's independence. The organization, however, is counting on the possibility that the event could be banned and asks people to follow the latest developments. In the meantime, the party is carrying out various minor provocations. In Mežaparks near Ķīšezers there is another monument glorifying the Soviet occupation and the invading army - "Obelisk to the 374th Rifle Division of the Red Army, which started the liberation of Riga from the German fascist invaders". Marking it as an object to be dismantled urgently, the base of the monument was carefully painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

LKS workers cleaned up the obelisk dedicated to the occupation army in Mežaparks. / LKS publicitātes foto

Because the army that occupied Latvia and massacred the Latvian people is the same army that is currently destroying the land and people of Ukraine. But the supporters of Russia call Ukrainians and Latvians Nazis, call the coloring of the symbols of occupation vandalism and wash off the carefully applied Ukrainian colors.

Anti-state speech by Ždanoka in Brussels

When the monument to the Latvian occupation in Mežaparks was freshly cleaned up by pro-Kremlin activists, MEP Tatjana Ždanoka gave a speech in Brussels "on the fight that the Latvian authorities are waging against the monuments to the victims and heroes of World War II". Ždanoka's speech did not resonate very well, however, as the Chamber of the Parliament was empty at the time. Ždanoka only pretended to address the Parliament. However, the speech was reproduced on social networks and contained several false statements. Firstly, no one in Latvia has touched or intends to touch the war victims' memorials, except the Embassy of the Russian Federation, which uses the burial sites of Soviet soldiers for propaganda purposes. Secondly, the Latvian authorities have not instigated a fight against the monuments, but are reacting belatedly to public demand to dismantle the artefacts of the Soviet occupation regime. And the public is also demanding the dismantling of the extreme radical organization represented by Ždanoka, which is currently working against the interests of the Latvian state by mobilizing defenders of Russia and its aggression in Latvia. The public initiative website Mana Balss is collecting signatures for the banning of the Latvian Russian Union, for the banning of pro-Kremlin persons from holding positions in state and municipal institutions, as well as for the expulsion from Latvia and the deprivation of citizenship of the Republic of Latvia of persons disloyal to the Latvian state. All three initiatives are most directly related to the Latvian Russian Union and other supporters of Russian aggression. It is therefore not surprising that the Mana Balss website is facing attacks by pro-Kremlin hackers, as is the website, which is raising money for the dismantling of the occupation monument.

This is unacceptable!

The State Security Service has issued an official warning to the pro-Kremlin Latvian Russian Union "not to commit a violation of the law that is against or may harm state security". The Service has established that the party's activities are aimed at justifying the foreign policy and violations of international law by the Russian Federation, as well as at spreading propaganda messages. However, the organization's previous anti-state activities are apparently not sufficient to close the anti-state organization and not only detain its leaders, as happened on May 13, but also keep them in detention. The parliamentary elections are approaching, and the Latvian Russian Union is still a contender for the Latvian Saeima.

This is unacceptable to the law-abiding and patriotic majority of Latvian society.


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