Criminal proceedings initiated for alleged fraud by SIA Dizozols in buying up forests

The Vidzeme Prosecutor's Office, having examined the complaint of the entrepreneur Mariss Zariņš against the decision of the officers of the Valmiera Precinct of the State Police on April 5, 2022, to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings for possible misappropriation of the money allegedly entitled to the entrepreneur for the sale of forest, has decided to uphold the complaint and revoke the decision of the police officers as unfounded, and to initiate criminal proceedings on May 20, 2022 © Mārtiņš ZILGALVIS, F64 Photo Agency

The prosecutor of the Vidzeme Prosecutor's Office, Signe Silanža, has decided to revoke the decision of the police to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings and has decided to initiate criminal proceedings in the case of alleged fraud in forest purchase involving SIA Dizozols - now known as SIA BONO - which is close to the Latvian political circles.

The Vidzeme Prosecutor's Office, having examined the complaint of the entrepreneur Mariss Zariņš against the decision of the officers of the Valmiera Precinct of the State Police on April 5, 2022, to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings for possible misappropriation of the money allegedly entitled to the entrepreneur for the sale of forest, has decided to uphold the complaint and revoke the decision of the police officers as unfounded, and to initiate criminal proceedings on May 20, 2022, in case No 12516001322. The criminal case was sent for investigation to the Valmiera Precinct of the State Police.

Last October, Neatkarīgā informed that the police had received an application requesting to initiate criminal proceedings against representatives of SIA Dizozols and people related to this company for alleged fraud and misappropriation of funds. The document focuses in particular on Guntars Galvanovskis, a businessman well known in political circles.

Officials of SIA Dizozols, registered in Valmiera, and persons related to this company are accused of defrauding the company SIA FC Lapegle, registered in Raiskums Parish, Pārgauja Municipality, and its official Mariss Zariņš. The application to the SP, signed by Zariņš both as a private person and as a member of the board of SIA FC Lapegle, asks to initiate criminal proceedings and to recognize the entrepreneur and the company managed by him as victims. It is also requested to recognize the right to compensation - €536,961.84 for Zariņš, and €36,800.53 for SIA FC Lapegle.

The application describes that in the spring of 2017 between Zariņš and SIA Dizozols "long-term cooperation in the field of forest property valuation, acquisition and resale was established, within which SIA Dizozols is currently obliged to make a payment to Mariss Zariņš of a share of funds (profit) in the amount of at least €536,961.84 from money earned as a result of joint cooperation. However, after the establishment of a joint property fund, resale of the properties included in it and receipt of funds (purchase fee) from the final buyer, SIA Dizozols currently not only avoids any communication with Mariss Zariņš and refuses to pay the funds (a share of profit), but completely denies the existence of any cooperation, deliberately hides documents confirming cooperation, refuses to provide information on the resale prices of properties purchased within the joint cooperation, volumes of sawn timber and their sales prices, and has closed Mariss Zariņš's access to jointly created and maintained data files. At the same time, SIA Dizozols has committed another independent criminal offense, which manifests itself in the misappropriation of funds of Mariss Zariņš and SIA FC Lapegle for the total amount of €36,800.53.

The document states that the members of SIA Dizozols are Juris Andžejevskis (19.80198%) and Kate Glika (80.19802%), its board consists of the chairman of the board Juris Andžejevskis and the board member Ingus Salmiņš. However, it is emphasized that in reality, the company is in the hands of another person: "Although Kate Glika is indicated in the Commercial Register as the majority member and the true beneficiary of SIA Dizozols, the actual member and true beneficiary under whose direct and immediate control the Board operates, is Guntars Galvanovskis (note: Kate Glika is the wife of Guntars Galvanovskis).”

Initially, the application of the entrepreneur Zariņš about the alleged fraud was investigated by the Riga offices of the State Police. It was then sent to Cēsis and then to Valmiera.

Neatkarīgā has received complaints about publications related to SIA Dizozols, now SIA BONO, and judging by the form of the correspondence, the businessmen are preparing extensive legal proceedings against the publisher.


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