The most-read articles in the English version of Neatkarīgā in the last two weeks


The Russian Duma's proposal to withdraw recognition of the Lithuanian state should be treated with the utmost seriousness


On June 8 this year, Russian State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov submitted a draft law to "parliament" which would annul the decision of the USSR State Council of September 6, 1991, on the recognition of Lithuania's independence. In response to this international outburst, some Lithuanian jokesters proposed to annul the 1634 Treaty of Polyanovka, by which the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ceded the Smolensk area to Russia.

Pret Krievijas domes ierosinājumu anulēt Lietuvas valsts atzīšanu jāizturas ārkārtīgi nopietni

Krievijas Valsts domes deputāts Jevgeņijs Fjodorovs šā gada 8. jūnijā iesniedza “parlamentā” likumprojektu, kurš paredz anulēt PSRS Valsts padomes 1991. gada 6. septembra lēmumu par Lietuvas neatkarības atzīšanu. Uz šo starptautisko izlēcienu atsevišķi asprāši Lietuvā ierosināja anulēt 1634. gada Poļanovskas miera līgumu, ar kuru Polijas - Lietuvas ūnija atdeva Krievijai Smoļenskas apgabalu.

Read the full article in English here

Read the full article in Latvian here


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