Latvian companies win the competition to produce exhibits of Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre

© F64

In the spring of 2022, it is planned to open a Science and Innovation Centre in Ventspils, which promises to be one of the most modern and exciting centres of its kind in Europe, both in terms of architecture and content of the centre. Last Thursday, Ventspils Digital Centre and Ventspils City Council signed an agreement with the applicant association consisting of SIA “DJA”, SIA "SOLAVI" and SIA "Jura Podnieka studija" on the production and installation of exhibits in Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre.

The laboratory of the future for the city of the future

The applicants' task was to create a vision for the city of future technologies and realize it in life by creating exhibits and an environment based on technology and STEM sciences, where people of all ages could get acquainted with science in an exciting way and open the door to the magic of science. In essence, this place must become the city of the future with streets, plazas and galleries. Visitors to the Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre will have access to 88 educational and interactive exhibits, the production of which has attracted various funding: co-financing from the Norwegian financial instrument within the project "Development of Innovation centre in Ventspils city", co-financing from the Urban Innovative Actions project within the framework of the project "Next Generation Micro Cities of Europe", as well as state and municipal financing.

Ints Bērziņš, head of the SIA "SOLAVI" in the applicants' association: "We are the "Laboratory of the Future". This phrase came about very simply - the word "future" is associated with a safe, beautiful environment that incorporates modern technology. The "laboratory", on the other hand, is the place to create, and we are the creators of this future city. A laboratory with a wide range of industry representatives, from programmers, designers, multimedia professionals to manufacturers."

The author of the exhibition is the architect Didzis Jaunzems, who confirms that it is a great honor to be one of the authors of this unique project. "There is a feeling that there are reliable people around that will help realize the vision with a very strong identity, built on a futuristic aesthetic that will make it equally relevant on the day of the opening and in twenty years."

At least 80 thousand visitors are expected

Elīna Kroņkalne, Director of Ventspils Digital Centre, says: "Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre will become one of the cornerstones of the city's development and promote Latvia's visibility in Europe, because our goals are ambitious - it is planned to attract visitors not only from Latvia but also from other European countries. It is estimated that at least 80,000 people will visit the centre each year.

The Chairman of the City Council Aivars Lembergs admits that choosing the best candidate for the production of exhibits was not an easy task - the first competition ended without results, six applicants applied in the second announced competition and the negotiation procedure was continued with four of the best. "The association of businesses with which an agreement is being signed today was able to defend its vision and convince us that it will be realized. Manufacturers and installers will still have to prove that everything they promised will be fulfilled. I hope that Latvian entrepreneurs will be able to prove that Latvia is not a province, but European country of the highest quality."

IMPORTANT MOMENT. Following the recommendations of epidemiologists and in the presence of all parties involved, including representatives of Ventspils City Council, an agreement on the production and installation of exhibits of the Science and Innovation Centre was signed in the concert hall "Latvija" / F64

AMBITIOUS is a name to describe the architectural project of the future Science and Innovation Centre. Currently, the construction works have not been completed yet, but its planned to open to visitors in the spring of 2022 / F64

Aivars Lembergs: Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre will be superior to AHHAA

Regarding the signing of the agreement on the production and installation of exhibits of the Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre, a quick interview with the Chairman of Ventspils City Council Aivars Lembergs.

What can you expect from the future Science and Innovation Centre project in the overall development of Ventspils?

For a city as small as Ventspils, such an ambitious project as the Science and Innovation Centre will definitely leave an impression. The new centre will be in close synergy with our existing objects: the Livonian Order Castle, which is the only preserved 13th century castle; concert hall "Latvija" and Ventspils Music High School, which is currently the best music high school with a concert hall in Europe. The third element in this triangle will be the Science and Innovation Centre, which is planned to have an annual number of visitors of over 80,000. It is gratifying that the Livonian Order Castle, built in the 13th century, was restored and the exposition created at the end of the 20th century, while the Music High School with the concert hall "Latvija" and the future Science and Innovation Center are 21st century objects created by Ventspils residents. These are not values inherited from the achievements of people from other countries, such as the Old Riga, but our self-built values of the 21st century - the most modern that are possible today.

The Science and Innovation Centre will be very versatile - 88 interactive exhibits will cover education and training, meaningful leisure time and will serve as one of the tourist destinations. At the same time, the centre has a place for business - with technology-related production.

Was it already clear when planning the Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre that its content would be created and the further management would be performed by the Ventspils Digital Centre?

Initially, Ventspils Digital Centre was not involved in this project. I will explain that the Science and Innovation Centre has been in the works for a long time, almost ten years, from the idea to the present day. During this time, the Digital Centre has grown significantly, including in the field of education - about 700 children now participate in various groups. Consequently, the Digital Centre has grown too big for its home on Akmeņu Street. The Digital Centre is also expanding its activities and working in the direction of STEM, so the idea arose for the Digital Centre to move a large part of its activities to the upcoming new building, as well as to entrust it with the creation and management of the Science and Innovation Centre. Some of the activities will be kept in the existing premises on Akmeņu Street, but the main place of business will be the new building. We made our decision about a year and a half ago, and since then we can see that it was not a mistake - the Digital Centre is able to do a lot and do it well.

The ambitions of Ventspils are well-known - everything must be the best, the most modern, the most beautiful, the most progressive. Can we say that this centre will also be a significant achievement?

We tried very hard to make it so. A working group was set up on business trips to look at the world's best examples in this field. We are not afraid to adopt the best examples - we went to North America, Japan and Europe, took the best that could be of use, and added our ideas. Therefore, we hope that this will be a very modern centre even after the project is in operation, but we understand that currently technologies and opportunities are developing at a very fast pace - what is very modern today, tomorrow is only modern, and the day after that it is already history.

The AHHAA Centre in Estonia is most often mentioned to explain the meaning of the Ventspils Science and Innovation Centre project. Will you be superior to it?

No doubt! In addition, not only in terms of content, but in all areas, from architecture, infrastructure, integration into the environment to exhibitions. I would say they are incomparable.

FUNDAMENTAL. The future Science and Innovation Centre will be one of the three fundamental values of Ventspils - the Livonian Order Castle, the Ventspils Music High School with the concert hall "Latvija" and the Science and Innovation Centre, Aivars Lembergs is convinced / Publicitātes foto