H.E. Ambassador Liang Jianquan on the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

© Ķīnas Tautas republikas vēstniecība Latvijā

Interview with H.E. Ambassador Liang Jianquan on the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics by the chief editor of Latvia's Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze.

Every Olympics is a time for peace, friendship and mutual understanding. This is also a time when many Latvians focus on sporting events. The Beijing Winter Olympics has been solemnly opened on February 4th. H.E. Ambassador Liang Jianquan, could you describe the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to the readers of digital newspaper Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze and to all China's friends in Latvia?

H.E. Amb. Liang Jianquan: Following the hosting of the 2008 Olympic Games, the Olympic flame was ignited in Beijing again after a lapse of 14 years. Beijing has become the world's first and only "Dual Olympic City". In the face of the raging COVID-19 pandemic, China overcame many difficulties to hold the Beijing Winter Olympics as scheduled, fulfilling its promise for hosting a simple, safe and splendid Winter Olympics.

Current Winter Olympics is the first one to implement the Olympic 2020 Agenda in the whole process of bidding , preparing and hosting, and it is also an Olympic Games that actively implements the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. China adheres to the concept of Green Olympics and strives to organize a sustainable Winter Olympics, which has set a number of "the firsts in history". For the first time, all the 26 venues in the three major competition zones of the Beijing Winter Olympics are fully powered by green and clean energy; for the first time, the most environmentally friendly natural CO2 refrigeration ice-making technology is used on a large scale, cutting carbon emissions to nearly zero; for the first time, full coverage of the 5G network was achieved; "Water Cube" is the first Olympic venue in the world launched the "water ice conversion"; the Big Air Shougang is the world's first permanent reserved ski jump; the National Sliding Center has the world's first 360-degree slalom track; for the first time, the United Nations issued a postage stamp for the Winter Olympics in the theme of "Sport for Peace". At the same time, with the operation of splendid venues such as "The Ice Ribbon" and "Snow Ruyi", the comprehensive promotion of cloud broadcasting technology, and the realization of carbon neutrality, the green and high-tech Beijing Winter Olympics will serve as a model for the Olympic movement to promote sustainable urban development.

By hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics, China has successfully encouraged 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports, promoted regional development, ecological construction, green innovation and improved people's lives, opening up more opportunities for the development of ice and snow sports in the world. As Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee commented, China's outstanding achievements in winter sports have opened the door to a new era of global winter sports that will take the popularity of the global winter sport to new heights and will be a great benefit to the Chinese people and winter sport enthusiasts around the world.

The Olympic Games is a symbol of human solidarity and friendship, which embodies the desire of the international community for peace and progress. We hope that the Beijing Winter Olympics will inject confidence and positive energy to the joint efforts of all countries to maintain peace around the world and promote common development.

How would you describe the scale of the Beijing Winter Olympics? As was evident, the opening ceremony was also influenced by the fact that it coincided with the start of spring in China.

On the evening of February 4 local time, the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games was held in the "Bird's nest" of Beijing National Stadium. The Chinese president Xi Jinping attended and declared the opening of the Winter Olympics. The opening day coincides with the fourth day of the Chinese Lunar New Year. It is a day for Chinese people to celebrate the arrival of spring. The opening ceremony began with the Chinese traditional solar term "Start of Spring" and with the theme of "a snowflake" running through. It told the world about the Chinese people's outlook on life, values and universe, conveyed the message of unity and cooperation to the world, and vividly interpreted China's concept of "Green, Inclusive, Open and Clean" Beijing Winter Olympics. For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, the Olympic cauldron used the "tiny flame". The whole opening ceremony was jointly attended by about 3000 ordinary people, volunteers and athletes from all walks of life in China. The amount of fireworks used in the opening ceremony was less than 10% of that of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games. At the same time, as Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported, "the idea of "the world as a family" has been woven throughout the opening ceremony, prompting people to pay close attention to and think about how the Olympic Games can bring people together. This is also the mission of the Olympic movement. This is even more significant while COVID-19 is still raging, the world is split and confrontations are intensifying.

As the first Winter Olympics held after the new Olympic Motto “Together” being added, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games attracted nearly 3000 athletes from about 90 countries and regions, and the number of events and gold medals was the highest ever in winter Olympic Games. More than 30 foreign heads of state, heads of government, members of the royal family and heads of international organizations attended relevant activities of the Beijing Winter Olympics. The Beijing Winter Olympics coincides with the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Tiger. Athletes, coaches and guests from all over the world are gathering in Beijing to share the Winter Olympics. At the same time, they also feel the enthusiasm of the Chinese people and the charm of Chinese culture.

It is worth mentioning that China has received support and assistance from Latvia and other members of the international community, in the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Many Latvian experts joined the Chinese preparatory team and participated in the construction of venues and tracks, which made important contribution to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. During this period, the Winter Olympic athletes of the two countries had in-depth exchanges and cooperation. The Chinese sledge and bobsled national team came to Latvia for training three times, and the Latvian Winter Olympic athletes went to China for test competitions and training many times. Latvia also sent a delegation of more than 100 people, which reflects the importance it attaches to the Winter Olympic Games. China is willing to work with Latvia to practice the Olympic spirit of "Together", to take the Beijing Winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to strengthen friendly exchanges and cooperation in sports and other fields between the two countries, and work "together for a shared future".

What impact did the US call for a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics have?

Politicizing sports goes against the Olympic spirit and damages the rights of athletes from all countries. The International Olympic Committee and majority of the international community oppose politicizing the Olympic movement and sports. As IOC President Thomas Bach said at the opening ceremony, "we show the world: yes, it is possible to be fierce rivals, while at the same time living peacefully and respectfully together. This is the mission of the Olympic Games: bringing us together in peaceful competition. Uniting humankind in all our diversity.” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently pointed out that, the world needs a successful Winter Olympics, which sends a clear message that people of any country, nation, or religious belief can rise above differences and achieve solidarity and cooperation. We believe that with the joint efforts of all parties, the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a wonderful stage to practice the new Olympic motto of "Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together". It will make positive contributions to jointly promoting the healthy development of international sports and inject more positive energy into the troubled world.

A reporter of France 24 TV news network (the Paris-based French state-owned international TV news network) commented that the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics also face multiple important challenges. The first is the pandemic restrictions, and that there are strict regulations on athletes, journalists, etc. The games are without spectators, and without any contact between international tourists and the local population. Second, during the 2022 Winter Olympics, there may be a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Third, some athletes may use the 2022 Winter Olympics for political and ideological purposes and to challenge China's internal policies. How will China respond to these challenges and promote the success of the 2022 Winter Olympics?

The Beijing Winter Olympics is the first global comprehensive sports event to be held as scheduled since the outbreak of the COVID-19. Doing a good job in pandemic prevention and control is the top priority and the biggest test. China has worked closely with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee, adopted scientific and precise prevention and control measures, and implemented closed-loop management system to ensure the safety of all participating parties and ensure the smooth holding of the Winter Olympics. Within the closed-loop system, China has made every effort to provide maximum convenience to Olympic-related personnel from various countries. Given that the current epidemic situation is still severe and complicated, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee has decided to organize spectators to watch the games on-site, to create a good atmosphere for the smooth holding of the games, while following the premise of pandemic prevention and control. At the same time, the Beijing Winter Olympics will make extensive use of the latest technology to broadcast the event through 5G+8K technology, providing unprecedented live broadcast and comprehensive coverage for audiences around the world. It will be the most technologically advanced Olympic Games in history.

The Olympic Games represent yearning for peace and unity of humankind. We call on all parties to remain calm on relevant issues, refrain from hyping up tensions and exaggerating crises, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and make constructive contributions to maintain international and regional peace and security.

We have noticed that some individuals, based on ideological and political prejudice, use the so-called human rights issue to smear China, and attempt to interfere with, hinder and undermine the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Their remarks are full of lies and disinformation, which is a typical farce. It is not conducive to the normal competition of Winter Olympic sports enthusiasts of various countries, and it is not conducive to promoting the Olympic spirit of unity, friendship and peace. It is doomed to be unpopular and will not succeed.

Looking back on 2008, Beijing organized an Olympic Games beyond comparison. After 14 years, we are full of confidence to work with all parties to present a simple, safe and splendid Winter Olympics to the world. The Opening Ceremony has already unveiled the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 4. It is believed that people from all over the world, including Latvia, are also paying close attention to the ongoing matches. China looks forward to sharing the glory of the Olympic Games and enhancing unity and friendship with all countries in the world, including Latvia. I wish Latvian athletes good achievements in the Beijing Winter Olympics.


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