Covid-19: Latvia returns to face masks

MANDATORY. From October 7, face masks must be worn on public transport. Such a decision was taken as a temporary option, for the moment avoiding the stricter restrictions that could cause the economy to suffer © Dmitrijs Suļžics/F64

Within two weeks, Latvia has moved from the relatively calm situation regarding the spread of Covid-19 to the orange warning zone. Due to this, the government has taken the first step by strengthening epidemiological safety regulations throughout Latvia, making the use of face masks in public transport mandatory. Masks must be worn starting from October 7, and it is stressed that they must be masks, not face coverings - scarves and shawls - as it was allowed in the spring.

The frequency of Covid-19 cases in Latvia has increased eightfold in the last two weeks, thus placing Latvia among the European countries where the number of infections has been growing since September. In the past two weeks Latvia has moved from a relatively stable situation, to being back in the orange warning list. The mandatory mask rule in public transportation was placed in hopes that it might reduce the rate of infections to the point where stricter restrictions can be avoided for the time being.

Given that Covid-19 outbreaks have been more frequent in the workplaces, the Ministry of Health calls on state and municipal authorities, as well as private companies, to organize the work remotely, if possible. Employers are advised to evaluate which employees can work remotely and return to this form of work, which many implemented in the spring. During the epidemiological investigation, epidemiologists have found that some people who are diagnosed with Covid-19 have gone to work for several days with acute signs of the disease. Employers should once again discuss safety issues with employees and remind that they should not come to work with a cold.

Full article (in Latvian)