Juris Paiders / Autori

2.jan 2021
I offered many educated Latvian people the chance to read a prophecy - a vision of the future - and invited them to express about which era, in their opinion, is this depiction of the future:
28.dec 2020
During the post-Christmas period, one of the most popular stories on the portals was about the "dangerous facts about tangerines".
28.dec 2020
Pēcsvētku laikā viens no portālos visvairāk lasītajiem stāstiņiem bija veltīts “bīstamajiem faktiem par mandarīniem”.
14.dec 2020
Last week's most significant international event was Morocco's decision to re-establish diplomatic relations with Israel. These events were first announced on December 10 by US President Donald Trump.
28.nov 2020
With the reform of the Chinese economy in the 1970s and the introduction of principles based on private initiative and the free market, the centralized planning model was maintained. In China, national planning takes place in five-year phases. The current five-year cycle (China's 13th one) will end in December 2020, and the 14th will begin in January next year.
27.nov 2020
Address to the leaders of 105 journalists' unions from Latin America, Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe at the Belt and Road Journalists Forum.
26.nov 2020
Unfortunately, the biggest challenge and the biggest set of problems facing a high-quality digital newspaper today is the censorship on social networks owned by international conglomerates. This is especially true of Facebook. Local and international social networks are one of the most important tools for increasing the readership of digital publications.
12.nov 2020
Member of the Saeima Ļubova Švecova answers the questions of Neatkarīgā.
12.nov 2020
Uz Neatkarīgās jautājumiem atbild Saeimas deputāte Ļubova Švecova.
7.nov 2020
In one of his pre-election speeches, US President Donald Trump, who as of the time of writing is still in office, very aptly pointed out that it is no longer possible to get information about what is happening in the world and in America, because the only thing you hear from major information channels is: “Covid, covid covid, covid!" Others, while assessing the current global flow of information, joked that if aliens were to watch us starting from March 2020, they would unequivocally conclude that the entire Western world is dominated by a religion whose followers worship some powerful divine mystical being called Covid-19, and gather that there is a mysterious cult of Covid ruling this part of the Earth.
3.nov 2020
This week marks six months since Neatkarīgā has moved from the paper format to the digital format, and this is a time when conclusions are usually drawn about what has been done.
29.okt 2020
No 126 pašvaldībām – pilsētām un novadiem – bezdarba līmenis gada laikā ir samazinājies tikai 9 novados, un gandrīz tie visi atrodas Latgalē, izņemot divus Kurzemes novadus – Durbi un Vaiņodi. Savukārt visdramatiskāko bezdarba līmeņa pieaugumu piedzīvojusi kūrortpilsēta Jūrmala, galvaspilsēta Rīga un daļa Rīgas tuvumā esošo novadu, liecina Neatkarīgās pētījums.
29.okt 2020
Ventspils mayor Aivars Lembergs answers Neatkarīgā's questions.
29.okt 2020
Uz Neatkarīgās jautājumiem atbild Ventspils pilsētas mērs Aivars Lembergs.
28.okt 2020
Currently a peculiar liberal democratic paradigm is being cultivated in Europe and the United States, that authoritarian leaders can remain in power for a long time only by falsifying election results. Therefore, the scenario of political change has now been developed in many places. When an authoritarian leader who has been in office for a long time is re-elected, those who want change (and there are always many of them in authoritarian regimes, especially if the leader has been in power for decades) declare that the election results are falsified and demand a change of power, new elections, etc. This is exactly the scenario that was implemented in the Latin American country Bolivia in 2019.
13.okt 2020
It is now the sixth month since Neatkarīgā switched to digital format, and this is the time to start thinking about future developments.
13.okt 2020
Šonedēļ rit jau sestais mēnesis, kopš Neatkarīgā iznāk digitālā formātā, un tas ir laiks, kad var sākt domāt par nākamajiem attīstības virzieniem.
10.okt 2020
Tigran Mkrtchyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Latvia answers Neatkarīgās questions.
10.okt 2020
Uz Neatkarīgās jautājumiem atbild Armēnijas vēstnieks Latvijā Tigrans Mkrtčjans
4.okt 2020
1. oktobrī Ķīnā tika atzīmēta Ķīnas Tautas Republikas proklamēšanas 71. gadadiena. Kārtējās gadadienas svinības ir labs motīvs, lai mēģinātu atbildēt uz jautājumu, kā 1949. gadā kļuva iespējama komunistisko spēku uzvara visā Ķīnā.
2.okt 2020
Šodien uz savu pirmo sēdi sanāk jaunā Rīgas dome, no kuras 60 deputātiem 18 ir ievēlēti no partiju apvienības “Attīstībai/Par!” un partijas “Progresīvie” apvienotā saraksta. Rīgas domes ārkārtas vēlēšanām šī apvienotā saraksta augšgalā (un tātad ar lielākām izredzēm nokļūt deputātu statusā) lielākoties bija “Attīstībai/Par!” biedri. Taču, saskaitot plusus un svītrojumus, spēku samērs ir krasi mainījās – Rīgas domes deputātu vidū ir daudz vairāk partijas “Progresīvie” (P) nekā “Attīstībai/Par!” (AP) biedru. Ar 90% lielu varbūtību var apgalvot, ka velēšanu laikā, izvēloties balsot par kopējo “Progresīvo” un “Attīstībai Par!” sarakstu, aptuveni 400‒600 liela vēlētāju grupa īpaši svītroja deputātu kandidātus no “Attīstībai/Par!” saraksta augšējās daļas.
29.sep 2020
27. septembra rītā uz Kalnu Karabahas faktiskās robežas ar Azerbaidžānas spēkiem sākās smagas kaujas, kurās tika iesaistīta artilērija, aviācija un bruņutehnika. Svētdienas un pirmdienas kaujās vairāki desmiti abu pušu karavīru tika nogalināti, bet ievainoto skaits ir mērāms simtos. Armēnijas premjerministrs Nikols Pašinjans 27. septembrī paziņoja, ka Azerbaidžāna ir pieteikusi karu armēņu tautai. Gan neatzītā Kalnu Karabaha, gan Armēnija svētdien izsludināja karastāvokli un vispārējo mobilizāciju.