Māris Krautmanis / Autori

13.jan 2022
Yesterday, on January 12, 2022, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš. The meeting is captured in the photos. Except that both President Egils Levits and Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš, even when posing for photographers, did not wear the white FFP2 respirators sold in pharmacies, but used "black masks".
11.jan 2022
Jānis Urbanovičs, the leader of the Harmony (Saskaņa) party, expressed the following opinion in Neatkarīgā on January 8: "I have always shied away from criticizing the President of the Republic. Regardless of the personalities who hold the office, it is a symbol of Latvia, like the flag or the anthem. But we are living in such difficult times that we need not only a symbol but also a leader.
7.jan 2022
The rising cost of energy is a global problem that affects all countries - the price of everything that involves gas, fuel, electricity is rising.
5.jan 2022
Instead of defending its honor and dignity with all its might against the large and influential newspaper Bild in Germany, the New Conservative Party (Jaunā konservatīvā partija, JKP) has announced that it will turn to the police against Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze, which published a story about the German publication.
29.dec 2021
The year 1991 is remembered in world history as a time of dramatic geopolitical change - several former Soviet republics declared independence and this year have already celebrated 30 years since their liberation. Latvia as well.
27.dec 2021
In Germany, after long negotiations, a government coalition was formed in early December by the Social Democrats, the Greens and the liberal Free Democratic Party; in Sweden, a coalition broke up and the government fell in June due to bitter internal political squabbles; in Finland, a coalition is formed by two big parties and a number of small ones; in Spain, the second government of Pedro Sánchez is a minority government formed by left-wing parties together with the Catalan nationalist party.
24.dec 2021
Skaitāmi pie eglītes, saņemot dāvanas, vai vienkārši iepriecinot viesus.
18.dec 2021
The German newspaper Bild has published an article damaging Latvia's reputation. North Korean billions are being laundered through our banks, the supervisory authorities are covering up a flood of dirty money from Russia, and the Minister of Justice and the head of the Legal Affairs Committee have both been paid a 500,000 euros bribe to allow the PNB Bank to be robbed.
8.dec 2021
Aivars Lembergs has gotten infected with Covid-19 in the Central Prison and has been transferred to the Prison Hospital in Olaine. Although he had regularly asked for a booster vaccine for several months, and his lawyers had submitted a request to the Riga Central Prison, these requests have simply been ignored.
6.dec 2021
A conversation with Vilis Krištopans, former Prime Minister, now one of the leaders of the Latvia First party (Latvija pirmajā vietā).
6.dec 2021
Saruna ar bijušo premjeru, tagad vienu no partijas “Latvija pirmajā vietā” līderiem Vili Krištopanu
27.nov 2021
The Ministry of Health recommends introducing twice-weekly testing for all face-to-face workers from December 6. Antigen self-tests might be available en masse in Latvia around December 6 which will be provided to the public sector, including schools and special interest education. All workers, vaccinated and unvaccinated, will be tested, excluding those who do not work with other people and are in isolated environments and those who work remotely. Thank you for at least not thinking that the virus can be spread via the internet!
23.nov 2021
Saruna ar Rīgas domes deputātu Sandri Bergmani (“Saskaņa)
22.nov 2021
Uz Neatkarīgās jautājumiem atbild Saeimas deputāts, partijas “Republika” līdzpriekšsēdētājs Vjačeslavs Dombrovskis
13.nov 2021
Conversation with Henriks Danusēvičs, Chairman of the Latvian Traders Association.
13.nov 2021
Saruna ar Latvijas Tirgotāju asociācijas priekšsēdētāju Henriku Danusēviču
10.nov 2021
Saruna ar žurnāla “Sports” galveno redaktoru, burātāju un Triju Zvaigžņu ordeņa virsnieku Daini Cauni
9.nov 2021
Saruna ar Latvijas Zemnieku savienības priekšsēdētāju, Saeimas deputātu Armandu Krauzi (ZZS)
9.nov 2021
Conversation with the Chairman of the Latvian Farmers' Union (Latvijas Zemnieku savienība) and Member of the Saeima Armands Krauze (ZZS).