Māris Krautmanis / Autori

10.mar 2022
A conversation with Edgars Tavars (ZZS), Member of the Saeima, Chairman of the Latvian Green Party (Latvijas Zaļā partija).
4.mar 2022
Saruna ar Saeimas deputātu Vjačeslavu Dombrovski
1.mar 2022
Dainis Turlais no 1985. līdz 1989. gadam piedalījās Afganistānas karā, kur bija 40. armijas štāba operatīvās daļas vadītājs un štāba priekšnieka vietnieks. Izstrādāja plānu 40. armijas izvešanai no Afganistānas.
1.mar 2022
Dainis Turlais served in the Afghan war from 1985 to 1989, where he was Chief of Operations and Deputy Chief of Staff of the 40th Army Headquarters. He developed the plan for the withdrawal of the 40th Army from Afghanistan.
28.feb 2022
Saruna ar atvaļināto virsnieku, starptautisko operāciju dalībnieku Bosnijā, Kosovā, Afganistānā, Irākā, tagad ekspertu loģistikas jomā Druvi Kleinu
26.feb 2022
A conversation with Raimonds Rublovskis, Reserve Colonel, political and security expert.
26.feb 2022
Saruna ar rezerves pulkvedi, politikas un drošības ekspertu Raimondu Rublovski
25.feb 2022
Saruna ar Saeimas deputātu, bijušo aizsardzības ministru Raimondu Bergmani (ZZS)
25.feb 2022
A conversation with Raimonds Bergmanis, Member of the Saeima, former Minister of Defense (ZZS).
24.feb 2022
Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to recognize the independence of Ukraine's breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk has provoked a strong reaction from Western countries. This time it is harsher than it was after Russia's annexation of Crimea. Sanctions have been imposed on a number of Russian politicians, businessmen and officials. There are also sanctions against two Russian state banks, and so on.
18.feb 2022
The government of Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity, Jaunā Vienotība) has come up with a new regulation during the Covid-19 pandemic, where a number of previous retail and other kinds of restrictions will be lifted from March 1, but "the tail of the restrictions dog is being cut off little by little" - according to the "three-step plan" of Health Minister Daniels Pavļuts (Development/For!, Attīstībai/Par!), some of them will be lifted from March 1, others may remain in force until April 1. Once again, there is deep confusion in society as to which groups and sectors will be affected by restrictions and for how long.
15.feb 2022
Saruna ar Latvijas Zemnieku savienības priekšsēdētāju, 13. Saeimas deputātu Armandu Krauzi
7.feb 2022
The research center SKDS has established public trust indices and ratings for various institutions in Latvia, including non-governmental (public) organizations, which are various associations and foundations. The study found that in the category "All citizens", non-governmental organizations have a negative rating of minus 4.4. In 2021 and 2020, 40% of respondents have expressed that they do not trust them. But there was a time when the level of trust in them was noticeably higher - in 2010, 31% did not trust them.
3.feb 2022
Saruna ar Latvijas Tirgotāju asociācijas prezidentu Henriku Danusēviču
2.feb 2022
Saruna ar Latvijas Zaļās partijas valdes priekšsēdētāju Edgaru Tavaru
26.jan 2022
A conversation with Normunds Vilnītis, member of the party For a Humane Latvia (Par cilvēcīgu Latviju, PCL), former head of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau.
25.jan 2022
Saruna ar partijas “Par cilvēcīgu Latviju” biedru, bijušo Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas biroja priekšnieku Normundu Vilnīti
22.jan 2022
On January 20, a monument to the Latvian freedom fighter and Soviet-era dissident Gunārs Astra, by sculptor Gļebs Panteļejevs, was unveiled in Baumanis Square in front of the Riga Regional Court.
18.jan 2022
Pētījumu centrs SKDS pēc Neatkarīgās pasūtījuma ir veicis apjomīgu sabiedriskās domas izpēti, tostarp izmērījis arī uzticēšanos Latvijas valdības ministriem pērnajā gadā. Jāsecina, ka starp viņiem vismazāko ļaužu uzticību bauda veselības ministrs Daniels Pavļuts (“Attīstībai/Par!” (AP)).