Uldis Dreiblats, Ritums Rozenbergs / Autori

18.aug 2022
KNAB priekšnieks Jēkabs Straume ir Latvijā visdāsnāk atalgotais t.s. operatīvās darbības subjekta jeb iestādes, kura veic slepenās darbības, vadītājs ar vidējo atalgojumu pērn 7230 eiro mēnesī.
15.aug 2022
Salīdzinot prokuratūras un tiesu varas augstāko amatpersonu pēdējo gadu algas, jāsecina, ka prokurori ir labāk atalgoti, kaut gan tiesnešiem cilvēku likteņu lemšanā, protams, ir lielāka atbildība.
3.aug 2022
Līdz ar pirmajām kara dienām no Krievijas mūk inteliģence un labu izglītību ieguvuši ļaudis, it īpaši informācijas tehnoloģiju (IT) speciālisti – ziņo dažādu valstu mediji.
29.jūl 2022
Estonia is a country with a smaller population and a smaller Tax and Customs Board (equivalent to Latvia's State Revenue Service), but it manages to collect a "fatter" state budget than Latvia by almost €3 billion, according to publicly available data on both countries' revenue services and budgets.
26.jūl 2022
In wartime, it is important to have a basic knowledge of what a "combatant" means, which is a soldier in the regular army as opposed to a volunteer legionnaire or a mercenary.
22.jūl 2022
A London judge has eased a freezing order on some accounts linked to Petr Aven used to pay bills and security, according to a ruling made public on Monday - the court dispute is part of an investigation into the billionaire's charges of evading sanctions imposed on him after Russia invaded Ukraine, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.
3.jun 2022
Līdzīgi kā pirmās instances tiesas procesā, arī apelācijas tiesā prokurors Aivis Zalužinskis mēģināja panākt, lai tiesa iejauktos Aivara Lemberga liecību sniegšanā – to pārtrauktu vai vismaz ierobežotu.
2.jun 2022
The Constitutional Court's (CC) judgement of May 23 on property to be confiscated for the benefit of the state has sparked a debate on the unjustified decisions of the process facilitators to declare the property as criminally acquired. Lawyer Daiga Siliņa predicts that the unwillingness of the prosecutors and the courts to apply the rules of law in confiscating property will result in the Latvian state being forced by the European courts to pay compensation.
1.jun 2022
Satversmes tiesa pirms nedēļas – 23. maijā – pasludināja spriedumu, ar kuru faktiski kārtējo reizi tika nostiprināta pirms kāda laika Latvijā nodibinātā kārtība, ka mantu valsts labā var konfiscēt pat tad, ja šīs mantas noziedzīga izcelsme nav pierādīta: pastāv tikai kādas aizdomas un pieņēmumi.
1.jun 2022
A week ago, on May 23, the Constitutional Court handed down a judgement which, in effect, once again reinforced the procedure established some time ago in Latvia that property can be confiscated for the benefit of the State even if the criminal origin of that property has not been proven: if there are only suspicions and assumptions.
25.mai 2022
In the decision signed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Jānis Bordāns to impose a disciplinary sanction on Colonel Oksana Kulakova, the Deputy Warden of Iļģuciems Prison, there are complaints about both the emotional abuse and bossing practiced by the management of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the Latvian Prison Administration (LPA), and the bossing of subordinates by officials of the LPA.
19.mai 2022
The text of the decision of the Minister of Justice "On the termination of the disciplinary proceedings against the Head of the Prison Administration, General Ilona Spure" reveals the tense, unethical relations, disregard for subordination, irresponsibility and waste of taxpayers' money of the officials of the authority under the Ministry of Justice.
10.mai 2022
The trial on fraud charges against one of Latvia's most senior officials, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Member of the Saeima Atis Zakatistovs, as well as against businessman Viesturs Tamužs, is nearing its conclusion, as the court debates have already been completed.
9.mai 2022
Tiesas process, kas apsūdzībā par krāpšanu tiek virzīts pret vienu no Latvijas visaugstākajām amatpersonām, Finanšu ministrijas parlamentāro sekretāru un Saeimas deputātu Ati Zakatistovu, kā arī pret uzņēmēju Viesturu Tamužu, pietuvojies nobeigumam, jo jau pabeigtas tiesu debates.
5.mai 2022
Tā dēvētajā Lemberga prāvā ir nopratināti visi liecinieki, ko vēlējās nopratināt procesa dalībnieki, iztiesājot lietu apelācijas instancē.
5.mai 2022
In the Lembergs trial, all the witnesses that the parties wanted to cross-examine during the appeal have been questioned.
3.mai 2022
"I neither knew him, nor heard him, nor saw him" - this is what Edvīns Šnore, MP of the National Alliance (Nacionālā apvienība), Secretary of Defense, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee and Secretary of the Strategic Communication Subcommittee, says about Alexander Babakov, Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma and Chairman of the Council of the Russian Armed Forces Sports Club ACSK, currently criminally accused in the US.
27.apr 2022
The US has filed criminal charges against Alexander Babakov, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma, who is well known in some circles of Latvian politicians and businessmen - in particular, among opponents of Aivars Lembergs.
25.apr 2022
The German authorities have so far shown relative tolerance towards organizers and participants of actions in support of Russia's war in Ukraine, but in the future these Putinists may have to face the severity of German law, according to information gathered by Neatkarīgā from the German media and social media.
20.apr 2022
Varonīgajiem Saulkrastu policistiem pagājušajā nedēļā beidzot izdevās atrast miljonāru Jūliju Krūmiņu, kurš iepriekšējos 12 gadus t.s. Lemberga prāvā jau sāka pretendēt uz “Nenotveramā Džo” titulu – J. Krūmiņš ieradās Rīgas apgabaltiesā liecību sniegšanai.
20.apr 2022
Last week, the heroic Saulkrasti police finally managed to find millionaire Jūlijs Krūmiņš, who for the past 12 years has been claiming the title of elusive Joe in the Lembergs trial - Krūmiņš appeared in Riga Regional Court to give testimony.
14.apr 2022
Police officers from the Saulkrasti police station should capture millionaire Jūlijs Krūmiņš and bring him to the Riga Regional Court for questioning in the Lembergs trial, the Riga Regional Court ruled on Monday.