Uldis Dreiblats, Ritums Rozenbergs / Autori

13.apr 2022
Partijas “Konservatīvie” valdes loceklis Juris Jurašs šā gada 8. martā novadījis Saeimas Juridiskās komisijas sēdi, kurā tieši pēc viņa iniciatīvas tika lemts, lai Civilās savienības likumprojekts caur likumdošanas “gaņģiem” tiktu virzīts pasteidzinātā kārtībā.
12.apr 2022
Apelācijas instances tiesa t.s. Lemberga lietā apmierināja aizstāvības lūgumu, beidzot ļaujot nu jau bijušajam Ventspils mēram Aivaram Lembergam uzdot kādus jautājumus Aināram Gulbim, kuram šajā lietā prokurori noteikuši cietušā statusu.
12.apr 2022
The court of appeal in the Lembergs case has granted the defense's request, finally allowing now-former Ventspils mayor Aivars Lembergs to ask some questions to Ainārs Gulbis, who has been granted victim status by the prosecutors in this case.
4.apr 2022
The votes in the Saeima and the preparatory work carried out beforehand to push through the civil union draft law expose its authors and promoters - the Conservatives (Konservatīvie) party - as deceiving their voters and the Latvian Christian churches, says former Saeima MP, corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Legal Sciences, professor at the University of Latvia, Dr. iur. Ringolds Balodis in a conversation with Neatkarīgā.
30.mar 2022
Vērtējot Aivaram Lembergam izvirzīto apsūdzību par kukuļa – SIA “Man-Tess” piederošo SIA “LatTransnafta” kapitāla daļu – izspiešanu 1995. gada sākumā, tiesai jābalstās uz dokumentiem, kas patiesi apliecina vai noliedz šādu kapitāla daļu piederību SIA “Man-Tess” minētajā laikā, apelācijas instances tiesai tā dēvētajā Lemberga lietā uzsvēra SIA “Pars Termināls” (SIA “Man-Tess” pašreizējais nosaukums) pārstāvis advokāts Agris Eglītis.
30.mar 2022
When assessing the charge against Aivars Lembergs of extorting a bribe - shares in SIA LatTransnafta owned by SIA Man-Tess in early 1995 - the court should base itself on documents that truly confirm or deny the ownership of such shares in SIA Man-Tess at that time, lawyer Agris Eglītis, representative of SIA Pars Termināls (the current name of SIA Man-Tess) stressed to the court of appeal in the Lembergs case.
25.mar 2022
Aivars Lembergs was one of those who, in the first days after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, expressed the view that the war should be stopped immediately; the warring parties should come to the negotiating table. For expressing this view, he was severely criticized by his political opponents.
24.mar 2022
Amendments to the Law on Ports will return Latvia to the times of the USSR when ports were managed by state officials who were only interested in the money coming in from port operations and were indifferent to environmental pollution problems, believes Aivars Lembergs, the long-serving chairman of the Freeport of Ventspils.
21.mar 2022
Bijušā arestētās mantas glabātāja Rudolfa Meroni kontrolētajos Latvijas lielajos uzņēmumos, kuros uzlikti aresti “patiesā labuma guvēja tiesībām”, šā gada sākumā pat vairākkārt mainīta vadība, tostarp mainītas arī uzņēmumu padomes.
21.mar 2022
Large Latvian companies controlled by the former custodian of seized assets Rudolf Meroni, whose "true beneficiary rights" have been seized, have seen several management changes, including changes in the company's supervisory boards, at the beginning of this year.
20.mar 2022
Anastasia Gorokhova, a journalist, screenwriter and novelist born in Moscow but living in Germany, had planned to be in Riga on March 5 this year to take part in the Art Docfest film festival. The film "Beyond the White", based on her screenplay, was screened there. Unfortunately, the Russian invasion of Ukraine stopped her plans to attend the Riga film festival.
11.mar 2022
Information published in the Ukrainian media about Juris Jurašs, the leading politician of the Latvian JKP party, joining the National Guard of Ukraine for the defense of Kyiv has raised questions about his previously hidden talents in the military field, as well as about the real reasons for his efforts.
10.mar 2022
Russia's attitude towards its fallen soldiers is appalling if it is not fake news - this is how officers of the Latvian National Armed Forces that were interviewed by Neatkarīgā assess the news in media about the Russian Deputy Defense Minister's desire to dispose of the fallen in a cynical manner.
8.mar 2022
Apelācijas instances tiesa tā dēvētajā Lemberga lietā atzina, ka pirmās instances tiesa būtiski ir pārkāpusi Aivara Lemberga tiesības uz taisnīgu tiesu.
8.mar 2022
The court of appeal in the Lembergs case has found that the first instance court substantially violated Aivars Lembergs' right to a fair trial.
4.mar 2022
In his first interview with Neatkarīgā after his release from prison, Aivars Lembergs reveals how much his absence from home made him realize the value of family and appreciate the support of the people; he talks cautiously about his future plans, and promises to continue serving Ventspils and the people of Ventspils.
24.feb 2022
The Riga Regional Court Criminal Chamber, at the third hearing of the appeal proceedings in the Lembergs case, heard requests from the defense and several owners of the infringed property to revoke the judgment and send the criminal case back to the first instance so that the irregularities could be corrected, including with regard to the owners of the infringed property.
23.feb 2022
Due to negligence, carelessness or some other reasons, the court of first instance has not looked into the property issues of the Lembergs criminal case; the nature of the prosecution itself and, consequently, the 13-year-long trial of Aivars Lembergs is patently absurd, said lawyer Jānis Zelmenis, a representative of the owner of the property seized in the criminal proceedings, in a conversation with Neatkarīgā.
22.feb 2022
Šorīt Rīgas apgabaltiesa, iztiesājot kriminālprocesu apelācijas instancē, Aivaram Lembergam aizstāja apcietinājumu ar drošības naudu 100 000 eiro.
22.feb 2022
The planned tiger leap of digitization in the judiciary and penal enforcement institutions is so far overshadowed by uncertainty about the solutions found by the project implementers and the users' ability to keep up with the technological challenges, concludes Neatkarīgā after reviewing the documents and listening to the officials responsible for the implementation of the e-case.
16.feb 2022
Šodien aprit 13 gadu kopš pirmās tiesas sēdes prāvā, ko tautā iesaukuši par Lemberga lietu, bet oficiāli tas ir kriminālprocess ar diviem numuriem - Nr. 12812001408, Nr. 12812001608.
16.feb 2022
Today marks 13 years since the first court hearing in the case commonly known as the Lembergs case, but officially as a criminal case with two numbers - No 12812001408, No 12812001608.