Juris Paiders / Autori

7.apr 2022
On April 6 this year Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, member of the Russian State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma (2000-2011), passed away.
31.mar 2022
On March 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would only accept payment in Russian rubles for natural gas supplies to countries that are "unfriendly to Russia", as all European Union member states have been declared to be, promising in this case to deliver gas at the volumes stipulated in previously concluded contracts.
26.mar 2022
Russia's aggression against Ukraine will have a long-term impact on Russia's economic development, pushing it back at least ten, if not twenty, years in terms of economic and technological development.
21.mar 2022
At a time when the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for more than three weeks, Indian government corporation Indian Oil has bought three million barrels of oil from Russia because Russia is offering its oil at a price that is 20% lower than the stock exchange price. Many in Latvia have expressed puzzlement as to why India, the world's largest democracy, did not join in the general condemnation of Russian aggression and economic sanctions, but rather indirectly supports Russian aggression in Ukraine.
17.mar 2022
The outbreak of the war in Ukraine and the goals and demands set by Vladimir Putin make it clear that many seemingly unrelated events were part of Putin's plan to rebuild the Russian empire in the former USSR territory.
9.mar 2022
Jau pēc diviem mēnešiem būs divi gadi, kopš “Neatkarīgā” pārgājusi no drukāta laikraksta formāta uz digitālo formātu. Pēc pārejas uz digitālo formātu “Neatkarīgā” ir ievērojami palielinājusi lasītāju auditoriju. Viena mēneša laikā katrs trešais latvietis apmeklē “Neatkarīgo” vai portālu “nra.lv”
4.mar 2022
On March 2, the UN General Assembly voted on a resolution condemning Russia's aggression against Ukraine and condemning Belarus' involvement in the war.
3.mar 2022
The first week of Russia's war against Ukraine is drawing to a close. If Vladimir Putin had planned a blitzkrieg (a quick and easy victory), what Putin and the Russian military had in mind has failed. Although many Ukrainian towns have been taken over by the Russian army in several directions, the overall speed of movement of the Russian army even in southern Ukraine does not indicate success.
28.feb 2022
On December 14, 1974, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 3314 "Definition of Aggression".
25.feb 2022
The morning of February 24 began with the start of an undeclared war between Russia and Ukraine. As early as 5 a.m. Latvian time, the airspace in south-west Russia was closed to civil aviation, and an hour later all Russian TV channels carried Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement of a military invasion of Ukraine.
15.feb 2022
Uz Neatkarīgās jautājumiem atbild vēstnieks V. E. Ljans Dzjaņcjuaņs
15.feb 2022
Interview with H.E. Ambassador Liang Jianquan on the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics by the chief editor of Latvia's Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze.
9.feb 2022
Latvia has the lowest level of belief that the interests of its citizens are taken into account by public authorities compared to other Baltic countries, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey published on February 8.
19.jan 2022
In the 1990s, the church was one of the institutions with the highest public trust ratings in Latvia.
13.jan 2022
Zigurds Zariņš, the founder of nutrition education in Latvia, dietician, Doctor of Medicine and assistant professor at RSU, passed away on January 8. It is not easy to be completely objective when conducting research in which the business interests of food additives and various pharmaceutical manufacturers collide. It is not easy to disagree when a large part of society becomes fascinated by a trendy diet or a lifestyle that opinion leaders declare to be "healthy".
4.jan 2022
Let us recall that Latvia's wealth growth, which has continued even during the pandemic, has been driven by Latvian companies that are able to export their products and services.
3.jan 2022
At the end of last year, the paper version of the newspaper Latvijas Avīze printed Ilmārs Stūriška's opinion piece "Clinging to every straw" (Pieķerties pie katra salmiņa), in which the author expressed his indignation at the decision of Yachting Union of Latvia (Latvijas Zēģelētāju savienība) to promote Vita Matīse to the government recognition for winning the first place in the 2021 Raceboard World Championship and at the same time expressed his satisfaction with the decision of the government of Krišjānis Kariņš and the Ministry of Education and Science headed by Anita Muižniece, to reject such an application.
31.dec 2021
Economic growth and wealth growth are driven by domestic consumption and foreign trade. The stability of Latvia's domestic consumption, despite a shrinking population, is ensured by the redistribution of tax money and the flow of EU money. And Latvia's wealth growth, which has continued during the pandemic, has been driven by Latvian companies that are able to export their products and services.
28.dec 2021
According to the Central Statistical Bureau's just-released annual data collection "Statistical Yearbook of Latvia 2021", the balance of international migration of Latvia's population is slowly approaching zero.
20.dec 2021
Pēc daudzām publikācijām plašsaziņas līdzekļos (un aicinājumiem sociālajos tīklos) atbildīgās institūcijas novērsa lielākās problēmas, kuras izraisīja ļoti augstu traģisku satiksmes negadījumu risku autotransporta kustībā pa vienu no Latvijas noslogotākajiem autoceļiem, Rīgas–Jelgavas šoseju.
15.dec 2021
Auto kustība pa vienu no Latvijas noslogotākajiem autoceļiem, Rīgas–Jelgavas šoseju, visu šo nedēļu, pat neatkarīgi no laika apstākļiem, ir ar ļoti augstu traģisku satiksmes negadījumu risku, jo gandrīz nedēļu atbildīgie dienesti neko nedara, lai novērstu bojājumus Dalbes gājēju tiltā un atjaunotu pār to gājēju satiksmi.