Māris Krautmanis / Autori

29.jan 2021
Interview with sworn attorney Jeļena Kvjatkovska.
25.jan 2021
Interview with Pēteris Apinis, doctor and former Minister of Health.
25.jan 2021
Saruna ar ārstu, bijušo veselības aizsardzības ministru Pēteri Apini.
19.jan 2021
The second conversation with Guntis Belēvičs, Doctor of Biology, doctor-biophysicist, pharmacist, entrepreneur, former Minister of Health.
19.jan 2021
Otrā saruna ar bioloģijas doktoru, ārstu biofiziķi, farmaceitu, uzņēmēju, bijušo veselības ministru Gunti Belēviču.
18.jan 2021
The first conversation with Guntis Belēvičs, Doctor of Biology, doctor-biophysicist, pharmacist, entrepreneur, former Minister of Health
18.jan 2021
Saruna ar bioloģijas doktoru, ārstu biofiziķi, farmaceitu, uzņēmēju, bijušo veselības ministru Gunti Belēviču.
11.jan 2021
Conversation with sworn attorney Olavs Cers.
8.jan 2021
Saruna ar Latvijas Zaļās partijas vadītāju, tagad jau arī Saeimas deputātu Edgaru Tavaru (Zaļo un zemnieku savienība).
7.jan 2021
Precisely one year ago, Neatkarīgā noted the fact that under the leadership of Egils Levits, the institution of the President was able to double the rating (from 3.5 to 6.5 points) within six months. At that time, there were people who had great enthusiasm, trust, and hopes for the President. It was thought that it would continue and that the institution of the President would continue to rise with even greater confidence.
3.jan 2021
2020. gada laikā no dzīves ir šķīrušies daudzi pasaulē vai savā valstī ļoti slaveni cilvēki.
2.jan 2021
Pirmie saistībā ar jauno koronavīrusu Covid-19 mirušie bija jau 2019. gada rudenī un gada nogalē. Tagad pasaulē kovida upuru skaits tuvojas 1,8 miljoniem, Latvijā – sešiem simtiem.
30.dec 2020
20. septembra naktī Langstiņos tika noslepkavots zvērināts advokāts Pāvels Rebenoks. Viņš nogalināts īpaši vardarbīgi, sperot, sitot ar rokām un turpat netālu atrastajiem terases apdares dēļiem.
30.dec 2020
The restrictions from the Covid pandemic have hit the music industry hard, with no concerts and no profits. Understandably, the Ministry of Culture is trying to figure out how to help musicians, but at least one of the plans designed for the benefit of the music creators sounds rather dubious.
28.dec 2020
Saruna ar Aldi Gobzemu, pie frakcijām nepiederošo Saeimas deputātu
16.dec 2020
Conversation with Arvīds Ulme, President of the Environmental Protection Club (Vides aizsardzības klubs, VAK)
16.dec 2020
Saruna ar Vides aizsardzības kluba prezidentu Arvīdu Ulmi
10.dec 2020
Conversation with Henriks Danusēvičs, President of the Latvian Traders Association.