Uldis Dreiblats, Ritums Rozenbergs / Autori

3.feb 2022
Tiesa tā dēvētajā Lemberga lietā vakar paziņoja savu lēmumu par Aināra Gulbja pieteikto noraidījumu tiesnesei Sandrai Amolai un Aivara Lemberga pieteikto noraidījumu visam tiesas sastāvam – tiesa šos noraidījumus nepieņēma.
3.feb 2022
The court of appeal in the Lembergs case announced yesterday its decision on the motion to recuse brought by Ainārs Gulbis against Judge Sandra Amola and the motion to recuse brought by Aivars Lembergs against the entire court composition - the court did not accept these motions.
31.jan 2022
Rīt paredzēts uzsākt apelācijas tiesas procesu tā dēvētajā Lemberga lietā.
31.jan 2022
The appeal proceedings in the Lembergs case are scheduled to start tomorrow.
28.jan 2022
On January 24 this year, the first appeal court hearing in the Lembergs criminal case was scheduled. Due to the illness of the judge, it was postponed to February 1. Before the scheduled hearing, Neatkarīgā sent several questions to Aivars Lembergs, to which we received answers.
6.jan 2022
In Latvia, evidence and seized property, the storage of which is identical in criminal cases, tends to disappear, but complaints about the illegal actions of the prosecutors are not examined on their merits - they are referred for evaluation to the same official against whom the complaint is directed, says sworn advocate Gatis Dirnēns.
5.jan 2022
In the summer of this year, the material evidence seized in a bribery criminal case - honey - disappeared from the criminal case: it was happily eaten by the students of the Jelgava primary school Valdeka, according to anonymized correspondence between the persons involved in the criminal proceedings and the General Prosecutor's Office, which has been made available to Neatkarīgā.
4.jan 2022
Spriedumā vārds vārdā pārrakstot apsūdzību, pirmās instances tiesa t.s. Lemberga lietā ir nonākusi pat līdz tādam absurdam, ka 1993. gada rudenī Ventspils eksprokurors Valentīns Kokalis esot nobijies no tādiem Aivara Lemberga amatiem, kādos toreizējais Ventspils pilsētas Tautas deputātu padomes priekšsēdētājs A. Lembergs tika ievēlēts tikai kādu gadu vēlāk.
4.jan 2022
In its verdict, rewriting the accusation word for word, the court of the first instance in the Lembergs case even went so far as to say that in autumn 1993, Ventspils Ex-Prosecutor Valentīns Kokalis was scared of Aivars Lembergs' positions, to which A. Lembergs, then Chairman of the Ventspils City Council of People's Deputies, was elected only a year later.
21.dec 2021
Aivars Lembergs has tested negative for Covid-19, but it has been revealed that the virus seriously damaged one-third of his lungs during his illness, Neatkarīgā has learned from A. Lembergs' relatives.
15.dec 2021
Visai spilgtu piemēru tam, līdz kādam absurdam var nonākt, ja tiesa pati patiesību noskaidrot nevēlas, bet tikai vārds vārdā, komats komatā pārraksta prokuroru sacerēto apsūdzību, demonstrē spriedums t.s. Lemberga lietā.
15.dec 2021
The judgment in the Lembergs case is a striking example of the absurdity that can be reached when the court itself does not want to find out the truth, but merely rewrites the prosecutors' accusation word for word, comma for comma.
14.dec 2021
Aivars Lembergs' health has improved slightly, but he still tested positive for Covid-19. He continues to be plagued by coughing and weakness, according to the latest information received from his relatives.
7.dec 2021
In the last few days, Aivars Lembergs has not been actively treated in the prison hospital in Olaine, but his general health condition has been monitored - Neatkarīgā has managed to find out from his relatives.
3.dec 2021
Paužot bažas par saprātīgu termiņu neievērošanu kriminālprocesā, Aivara Lemberga aizstāvība pirms pusotras nedēļas ir lūgusi nozīmēt ārkārtas tiesas sēdi jau šā gada decembrī.
3.dec 2021
Expressing concern that reasonable deadlines in criminal proceedings are not being respected, the defense of Aivars Lembergs requested a week and a half ago that an extraordinary court session be scheduled as early as December this year.
30.nov 2021
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Aigars Strupišs answers questions from Neatkarīgā about the quality of court judgments and the independence of judges, as well as discusses the quality of services that courts receive from the Ministry of Justice.
29.nov 2021
In an interview with Neatkarīgā, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Aigars Strupišs, explains that there is no rational basis for his conflict with the Minister of Justice, Jānis Bordāns. However, it also has a positive aspect - it unites judges in their efforts to achieve the independence of the judiciary from the executive, and mobilizes the Judicial Council to step up its work to improve the quality of judges' judgments and the management of court proceedings.
26.nov 2021
One of the reasons why the Administrative District Court accepted Aivars Lembergs' application for compensation for material and non-material damage is the detailed legal reasoning of this application, concludes Neatkarīgā after reviewing the document.
24.nov 2021
The constitutional complaint on the time-limits for the preparation of an appeal, submitted by Aivars Lembergs to the Constitutional Court and on which the Constitutional Court has already initiated proceedings, contains, among other things, precise numbers describing the Lembergs trial, which is a case of unprecedented proportions even on a European scale.
23.nov 2021
The prosecutor of the South Kurzeme Prosecutor's Office, Kaspars Didzis, has upheld the decision of the head of the Saldus Criminal Police Department, Jānis Ceļapīters, to terminate the criminal proceedings against Aivars Lembergs for calling former foreign and defense minister, member of the European Parliament and now opposition member of the Ventspils City Council Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis a "Cheka snitch".
17.nov 2021
Doctors Pēteris Apinis and Gundars Daudze agree that Aivars Lembergs urgently needs consultation from an operating surgeon, which he can't access while in custody in Riga Central Prison.