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MoD Artis Pabriks: The government is currently a public debate club

Ģirts Ozoliņš/F64

"If we do not always agree with what the prime minister says, it does not mean that we want to overthrow him. We are not Kariņš's clones, we don't have to reproduce everything he said. Everyone has their own opinion. But if we must simply repeat what the Prime Minister or the Minister of Health says, then we should not sit in those meetings: let the two of them decide together, take responsibility, and that's it,” explains Minister of Defense Artis Pabriks (Development/For!, Attīstībai/Par!). Today - a conversation with him.

The media reports that informal talks are taking place on possible new government models.

I do not participate in informal talks. But if we seriously look at the work of the government and the crisis situation and openly assess it all... I have no interest in overthrowing this government or trying to become prime minister. The problem lies elsewhere. We see differences of opinion between ministers, and that is important. I think that it is not right to divide ministers into those who want to fight for health and those who want to facilitate everything so that there are no restrictions.

Rather, we have differences between pandemic fundamentalists who do not see things and processes contextually and those who want to address the crisis more systematically. If this crisis is long-lasting, then we need to understand: the restrictions will be in place for another six months or even longer, so we need to think seriously about what will happen to finances in the summer and later, what will happen to benefits? If we have money now, then let's distribute 200, 300 euros to everyone? That's not sustainable national development!

We have construction stores, antique stores, clothing stores, they could work and make money on their own, and they wouldn't need to be specifically supported. Then there would be more money left for those sectors that are having a really hard time - tourism, transport, catering... Infection figures are going down, we have a respite, we have been given time to put the system in order.

It has been talked about for a long time, but nothing has changed. What's the problem?

First of all, I believe that the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health are afraid.

You can read the whole interview here:

MoD Artis Pabriks: The government is currently a public debate club


Kultūrvietā “Hanzas perons” pagājušās nedēļas nogalē norisinājās “Austras balvas 2024” pasniegšanas ceremonija, kas beidzās ar nelielu (daudziem pat lielu) pārsteigumu – par prestižās balvas ieguvējiem kļuva jau daudzus gadus nepastāvošā grupa “kuba”, kura šovasar izdeva pirms diviem gadu desmitiem radītus ierakstus. Kā tā? Pavērsim priekškaru.