The most-read articles in the English version of Neatkarīgā in the last two weeks

The most-read Neatkarīgā articles in English in the last two weeks - interviews, commentaries, investigations and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics.

Putin is now openly threatening Latvia, the Baltics and the whole world


On the eve of the Bucharest meeting of the leaders of NATO's eastern flank, Putin has come out with yet more ruminations on history and fantasies about his place in today's world. To call a spade a spade, he openly threatens Latvia, the Baltics and the whole world.

Putins jau pilnīgi atklāti draud Latvijai, Baltijai un visai pasaulei

NATO austrumu flanga valstu vadītāju Bukarestes sanāksmes priekšvakarā Putins nācis klajā ar kārtējām prātulām par vēsturi un fantāzijām par savu vietu šodienas pasaulē. Saucot lietas savos vārdos, viņš atklāti draud Latvijai, Baltijai un visai pasaulei.

Read the full article in Latvian here

Read the full article in English here

Turpinājumu lasi nākamajā lapā