Krišjānis Kariņš hopes that Covid-19 will save Latvia's honor

© Romāns Kokšarovs/F64

On Wednesday, the head of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) René Fasel responded to a letter from MEPs requesting the transfer of the 2021 World Hockey Championship from Belarus to another location. Fasel's response states: “We are closely watching the situation. Our goal is to hold the tournament in Belarus, we want to do it for the fans who deserve it, and we should not allow ourselves to be under pressure from politics and do not want to be hostages of political games."

If we drop the diplomatic rhetoric, then Fasel, who is, to put it mildly, well-known as a stubborn defender of Russia's interests, once again demonstrated his bendy backbone, thus putting our indecisive Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš in a rather awkward role.

There is no doubt that the idea of ​​organizing any event together with the Belarusian dictator does not warm Kariņš’s heart. If the prime minister were someone else, say, the current head of the Latvian Ice Hockey Federation (LHF) Aigars Kalvītis, then we could assume that he is indifferent to the political situation in Belarus - the main thing is to successfully hold the event in Riga and absorb the funds. However, Kariņš has long formed the image of a person who does not and cannot have anything in common with Lukashenko-type people. Being in the same space with such a person, even an information space, threatens to mark his image with much rougher features. Therefore, he would be happy to withdraw from the joint championship. But it is one thing not to want to stand next to an odious person, but it is quite another to realize this reluctance.

It is clear that it is not so easy to terminate contracts and agreements already concluded. There are many different interests, commercial and legal considerations that complicate the process. Of course, it can be done and legal and commercial uncertainties can be resolved, but it requires energetic, decisive action, which has never been characteristic of Kariņš. Instead of clearly defining the stance - as long as Lukashenko is in power in Belarus, there can be no question of a joint championship - things are being delayed, hoping that someone else will decide this difficult issue for us. Apparently he does not have enough strength to use decisive language.

According to the IIHF post, this is the position of our prime minister so far: “During the conversation, the head of the Latvian government Kariņš repeatedly assured Fasel of his support to the Latvian Ice Hockey Federation to organize the 2021 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship in Riga. The IIHF President stressed that the organization operates outside politics and is trying to do everything possible to make the World Championships take place in the two countries that were voted on by the IIHF Congress. However, Kariņš pointed out that the ability to provide safe conditions for players, participants, media, officials and fans is a priority, to which Fasel agreed."

Note, Kariņš is talking about security of people, but not about the illegal and unauthorized activities of the Lukashenko regime. If the regime succeeds in silencing the protests by continuing its repression, then what? Then everything is all set? Political life is set in stone and... we can cut the opening ribbon of the championship? And there is no need to use empty demagoguery here, that “security” already includes political freedoms. Kariņš did not mention demands such as the release of political prisoners and the end of violence by power structures. Thus, it becomes clear that Kariņš relies on the fact that somehow the matter will be resolved according to Nasreddin Hodja's example - maybe the shah to whom Nasreddin promised to teach the donkey to speak will die, but maybe the donkey itself will kick the bucket.

While the Lithuanian Prosecutor General's Office has begun investigating the Belarusian regime's crimes against humanity in accordance with the principles of universal jurisdiction, Kariņš continues to hide his head in the sand, so that he does not have to announce that he will not hold a joint championship with the illegitimate regime in Belarus. Both Kariņš and other responsible officials must understand that the sooner such a statement is published, the easier it will be for everyone.

Now it's the other way around. The less time left until the championship, the more severe the consequences of canceling the event at the last minute. Kariņš's undisguised hopes that extensive restrictions will continue until May, and then everything will be able to be written off, may prove futile, because there is already a general tendency in the world to reduce restrictions. This is linked to both the emergence of vaccines and the accumulated fatigue of all these restrictions. It must be remembered that we have had covid restrictions for only two months (apart from a short period in the spring), while in many parts of the world they have been going on for more than half a year, becoming increasingly unpopular.

Only one thing is clear. If Latvia hosts a joint world championship with Lukashenko’s Belarus, it will be a great disgrace to the Latvian state. This should be said right now to the leaders of our country (not just Kariņš), if they are really leaders. If they are not, then, of course, it is a completely different matter. Then we must take the disgrace upon ourselves if we put up with such cowards at the forefront of our country.