Kariņš's government is sinking deeper and deeper into the primitivism of a Papuan "cargo cult"

© Oksana Džadana/ F64

On Tuesday the Cabinet of Ministers authorized the organization of events in which visitors participate while in a car or individual watercraft. In order to avoid misunderstandings as to the words "individual watercraft", the explanatory part of the decision states that one person or persons living in the same household will be able to be in the same car/boat at the same time. So, you can attend events while on a boat.

This government decision did not provoke any particular public reaction, because ever since the lists of "banned goods" adopted in the winter, everyone has become accustomed to the government from time to time adopting some pointless restrictions, the only purpose of which is to mimic the "fight against a pandemic". Actually, these restrictions have a different meaning, quite mercantile, but we'll talk about that later on. Let us just note that this "fight against the pandemic" has a strong ideological base at the bottom, which also sets the overall tone. I am talking about "caring for people's lives". Any discussion of the usefulness of the implemented restrictions stops at this sacramental setting: we cannot treat people's lives irresponsibly. Anyone would agree to these sacred words. But on one condition. If these words are said with a meaning behind them, not in the context of the Papuan "cargo cult". What does this "cargo cult" mean?

A popular legend in sociology (I will describe a simplified version here because there are quite different interpretations of the origins of cargo cults) says that during the war, an American plane flew over an indigenous Pacific island and threw down various gifts of modern civilization to the islanders. After that, the islanders waited for this plane to arrive again. Waited, waited, but the plane never came and never brought any gifts. Then they found a solution - they built their own plane model out of straw, fastened it to the top of the palm tree and went to see it every morning in case the coveted goodies have fallen out of it. Since nothing came from that, according to the nature of the people (regardless of the level of civilization), the reason for "failure" was sought. But there are more reasons why something doesn't happen the way we want than there are fish in the ocean. For example, a can of Coca Cola did not fall out of the straw plane, because during the prayer, someone incorrectly wore the strip of magic cloth on their face. The nose had slipped out, not as it should be, with both the mouth and nose tightly covered.

In other words, a cargo cult today is an action that mimics something else that actually works, but actually resembles it only externally, in form but not in essence. Or another example. On the day I got a promotion, I took a detour to work and now I have to always drive that way, because the previous road, it turns out, "is unlucky".

The whole fight against the pandemic has long been turned into the purest cargo cult, but the priests of this cult today do not want to acknowledge it as such, like the recent story of the origin of the coronavirus laboratory. This new cargo cult, as I said, is based on concern for human health, which is undeniably a sacred and indisputably good goal. Who can object to such a noble goal? Unfortunately, in reality, a pandemic is limited only by a firm and comprehensive lockdown, when almost all companies and institutions stop working, the movement of people outside the home is limited as much as possible, and only the most necessary functions of society are provided. Such austerity was introduced in those countries that suffered the most at the beginning of the pandemic. This was never introduced in Latvia. In the winter the strictest restrictions were set, but they were immediately faced with a lack of logical justification.

Everyone in Latvia has probably faced the stupid requirement to stand in line at the store to wait for the shopping cart. But can any of the fans of strict restrictions explain: why are people not allowed in the store without a cart and you have to stand in line for it, but in the trolleybus, such a principle is not introduced. When someone gets out, he passes the item to the first person standing in line at the stop to board? The answer is clear to everyone. Because the principle itself is illogical, but it is still necessary in the store, while its introduction in public transport would cause justified outrage among passengers standing in line on the street. Therefore, instead of this restriction, another cargo cult ritual has been invented - X marks glued to the seats, where you are not allowed to sit. However, there are no restrictions on standing - as many people can stand there as can physically fit in the bus. It is no wonder that during peak hours they are full and threaten the epidemiological situation. Where is the logic here?

In reality, measures to limit the spread of viruses are only possible in the short term. Sooner or later they must be abolished, or they turn into the purest profanation that the rulers do not want to acknowledge. The example of taking a detour is already starting to work here. The longer we drive on this road of “success”, the more common it becomes and the greater willpower will be needed to “take a risk” and start driving the shortest but “less lucky” road again. One may be well aware that there is no rational justification for this self-invented superstition, but it is not so easy to overcome it.

Psychological overinsurance is taking place. If I don't change anything, at least it won't get any worse. In the specific case of limiting the pandemic, it looks like this: if we lift the restrictions and the morbidity increases, we (the government and the whole political class) will be accused of not being strict enough, and if we do not lift the restrictions, we will be able to preen our feathers about caring for the issue of the health of people. But that is not all. This "care" can also easily burn up 5 million euros on completely unnecessary studies (as acknowledged by the State Audit Office), millions in various mask purchases, the development and implementation of the "apturi covid" application, the creation of various offices with astronomical salaries and hundreds of other things, where they can use the millions allocated to combat a pandemic. It is therefore in the interests of the ruling political class to maintain the "state of war" for as long as possible, because of how easy it is to spend the money in that state. This is also the main reason for this cargo cult.

It must be admitted that Kariņš has mastered the skill of dramatizing the situation perfectly. Even more than that. Imitation of action with a serious facial expression is the most characteristic feature of his government. Exactly like the priests from Papuan "cargo cult". The only difference is that members of the Pacific Island's "Cabinet of Ministers" once worshiped a straw plane while dressed in palm-leaf skirts, but our shamans, proudly called ministers, do the same in expensive suits and ties.


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