How not to damage your health with modern diets? Insights and tips from the late nutritionist Zigurds Zariņš

Zigurds Zariņš (1937-2022) © Jānis Saliņš/F64


Many of the diets advertised are without scientific basis and are based on blind faith and fanaticism

On the Kushi diet for the prevention of cancer. Zigurds Zariņš: "... objective observations show that this diet is not beneficial in cancer prevention." ("Uztura mācība", p. 191)

"The Bircher-Benner diet is based on fanaticism and blind faith." ("Uztura mācība", p. 194)

"Diets according to blood types are mere speculative musings with no practical relevance to the prevention or treatment of diseases." ("Uztura mācība", p. 194)

Diets according to the phases of the moon "... are diets without objective justification and without practical significance for the prevention of disease. Diets according to the phases of the moon should be left to astrologers and not to nutritionists." ("Uztura mācība", p. 194)

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