How not to damage your health with modern diets? Insights and tips from the late nutritionist Zigurds Zariņš

Zigurds Zariņš (1937-2022) © Jānis Saliņš/F64


The life of Zigurds Zariņš

"Z. Zariņš graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the RMI in 1962. He carried out research on vitamin changes and amounts in the diet, and also focused on the problem of obesity. From 1969 to 1993, in addition to his research work in nutrition, Z. Zariņš worked as a gastroenterologist, from 1995 to 1997 he was the head of the Nutrition Laboratory and from 1999 to 2009 he worked in the Nutrition Laboratory of Riga Stradiņš University. Zariņš worked at the Riga Stradiņš University Faculty of Rehabilitation, Department of Sport, Nutrition and Pedagogy and from 2014 was its assistant professor. Zariņš received the Latvian Medical Association Health Award for Lifetime Contribution to Health Promotion. Z. Zariņš was the chairman of the certification committee of the Latvian Association of Dietitians, as well as a practicing dietitian."


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