Uldis Dreiblats, Ritums Rozenbergs / Autori

29.mar 2021
The Latvian telecommunications company SIA Tele2, which is 100% owned by the Swedish joint-stock company Tele2 Sverige Aktiebolag, avoids complying with a court decision to reveal those who post hate speech on the websites of SIA Mediju nams for the initiation of legal proceedings.
16.mar 2021
On Friday, the persistent attempts of the Minister of Justice Jānis Bordāns to get the members of the Judicial Council in favor of him and to obtain a vote on the resolution condemning the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Latvia and Chair of the Judicial Council Aigars Strupišs completely failed.
11.mar 2021
Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs has been imprisoned in Riga Central Prison since February 22, still not knowing the official reasoning of the court as to why such a security measure has been applied without the possibility to appeal it. The only logical explanation for the arrest is to prevent the politician from participating in the upcoming municipal elections.
10.mar 2021
Taisot notiesājošu spriedumu tā dēvētajā Lemberga lietā, Rīgas apgabaltiesas krimināllietu kolēģija ir piekritusi arī visabsurdākajām šīs lietas apsūdzībām.
1.mar 2021
A complaint has been submitted to the Department of Criminal Cases of the Senate of the Supreme Court regarding the illegal arrest of Aivars Lembergs and denial of the right to defense - lawyer Māris Grudulis, who submitted this complaint, confirmed to Neatkarīgā.
24.feb 2021
Nolasot saīsināto spriedumu tā dēvētajā Lemberga lietā, Rīgas apgabaltiesa pieņēma arī blakuslēmumu, kurā prasīja Valsts policijai izvērtēt, vai nav jāuzsāk kriminālprocess pret bijušo Šveices advokātu Rudolfu Meroni par tiesas lēmuma nepildīšanu.
24.feb 2021
After reading the abbreviated judgment in the so-called Lembergs case, the Riga Regional Court also issued an ancillary decision asking the State Police to assess whether it would be necessary to initiate criminal proceedings against former Swiss lawyer Rudolfs Meroni for non-compliance with the court decision.
23.feb 2021
Rīgas apgabaltiesa vakar atzina Aivaru Lembergu par vainīgu lielākajā daļā no viņam izvirzītajām apsūdzībām un izpildīja prokuroru prasību mainīt A. Lembergam drošības līdzekli uz smagāku, apcietinot viņu tiesas zālē.
23.feb 2021
Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court found Aivars Lembergs guilty of most of the charges against him and complied with the prosecutors' request to change A. Lembergs' security measure to a harsher one by arresting him in the courtroom.
22.feb 2021
Rīgas apgabaltiesa atzina Aivaru Lembergu par vainīgu viņam izvirzītājās apsūdzībās pēc Kriminālkodeksa 166., 190. pantiem, Krimināllikuma 326., 219. pantiem un attaisnoja apsūdzībās pēc Krimināllikuma 325. un 318 pantiem. Tiesa piesprieda brīvības atņemšanu uz pieciem gadiem un soda naudu 40 minimālajām mēnešalgām, kā arī mantas konfiskāciju. Tiesa atcēla līdz šim piemērotos drošības līdzekļus - tuvoties noteiktām personām bez procesa virzītāja atļaujas, izbraukt no valsts un ieņemt Ventspils pilsētas domes priekšsēdētāja amatu, piemērojot jaunu drošības līdzekli apcietinājumu tiesas zālē.
19.feb 2021
The adversarial principle granted by law in criminal proceedings in Latvia is fiction; human rights are ignored in criminal proceedings; Minister of Justice Jānis Bordāns and Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima Juris Jurašs, by expressing threats to the judge of Limbaži court, have given a clear hint of how severe will be the reaction of two members of the Judicial Council to the court composition of the so-called Lemberg case if it dares to pronounce an acquittal – more on this and other topics in this interview Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs had with Neatkarīgā, which took place after he had said the last word for as long as the court allowed (i.e. four court hearings).
16.feb 2021
Šodien aprit 12 gadi kopš pirmās tiesas sēdes 2009.gada 16. februārī šajā prāvā, kas pārbagāta antirekordiem.
12.feb 2021
At the fourth (i.e., last) hearing, at which the court allowed Aivars Lembergs to have the last word, the speaker was given an additional half-hour, i.e. the time spent during the previous hearing for the Court Administration to fix the online connection. After that half-hour had elapsed, the court simply interrupted A. Lembergs' speech, announcing that the hearing was closed, and the verdict will be announced on 22 February.
11.feb 2021
At the third court hearing, which the court has given to Aivars Lembergs for the last word, he analyzed the episodes in which prosecutors obstructed and hindered the defense in examining witnesses during the 12-year trial. Prosecutors were also supported by the court, as at their request the court removed (i.e. rejected) questions relevant to the defense that were directly related to the accusation.
10.feb 2021
Continuing to say the last word in the second court hearing A. Lembergs illustrated several nonsenses included in the accusation against him.
9.feb 2021
Aivars Lembergs began his last word by pointing to the gross violations of human and procedural rights committed both during the pre-trial investigation of the criminal proceedings initiated against him and during the court proceedings.
8.feb 2021
Interesējoties par to, kāpēc Augstākās tiesas (AT) Senāta Administratīvo lietu departamentā pie tiesneses Jautrītes Briedes iestrēgusi t.s. “Radio SWH” pirkšanas lieta, Neatkarīgā nejauši uzzināja, ka nezināmu iemeslu dēļ Tieslietu ministrijas komisija senatori J. Briedi vairs nevirza Eiropas Savienības tiesas ģenerāladvokāta amatam.
8.feb 2021
Pēdējā vārdā Rīgas apgabaltiesā uzņēmējs Ansis Sormulis nesamērīgi ilgo tā dēvēto Lemberga kriminālprocesu, kurā ierauts uz nejēdzīgu un safabricētu pierādījumu pamata, tēlaini ilustrēja šādi - ja viņš 2006. gada 20. decembrī būtu kādam uzbrucis ar nazi, būtu jau sodu izcietis un uz brīvām kājām.
8.feb 2021
In his last word in the Riga Regional Court, businessman Ansis Sormulis figuratively illustrated the disproportionately long so-called Lembergs' criminal proceedings, in which he has been dragged into on meaningless and fabricated evidence, by saying that if he had attacked someone with a knife on December 20, 2006, he would have already served his sentence.
6.feb 2021
Interrupted several times; forced to explain himself without the assistance of a lawyer as to why his speech is fully relevant to the case and therefore there is no reason to discontinue it; in his last word, businessman Anrijs Lembergs analyzed in detail the cooperation of the now-former custodian of the seized property Rudolfs Meroni with the prosecutor Juris Juriss, as well as the aims and consequences of this cooperation.
5.feb 2021
Vairākkārt pārtraukts; spiests pats bez advokāta palīdzības motivēt, kāpēc viņa runa pilnībā attiecas uz lietu un tāpēc to pārtraukt nav pamata; uzņēmējs Anrijs Lembergs savā pēdējā vārdā detalizēti izanalizēja nu jau bijušā mantas glabātāja Rudolfa Meroni sadarbību ar prokuroru Juri Jurisu, kā arī, kādi ir šīs sadarbības mērķi un sekas.
27.jan 2021
Neatkarīgā has obtained from undisclosed sources an application to Prosecutor General Juris Stukāns, signed by an important witness in the so-called Rimšēvičs/Martinsons case: with this application, the witness renounces his previous testimony against the then Governor of the Bank of Latvia Ilmārs Rimšēvičs.