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Andrejs Osokins. Between two worlds

On March 5, the American music publishing house Prima Classic released the world-renowned Latvian pianist Andrejs Osokins' new album Two Worlds, dedicated to two outstanding composers - George Gershwin and Claude Debussy.

In a conversation with Neatkarīgā, the talented pianist reveals what is special about the music of George Gershwin (1898-1937) and Claude Debussy (1862-1918), talks about the ideas that are realized by adapting to the rules of the pandemic, does not hide his concern about the limited opportunities for young musicians to grow their skills in music and hopes that summer will come with the opportunity to return to the stage.

When and how was the idea of ​​Two Worlds born?

I was very excited when the founders of Prima Classic - our great opera singer Marina Rebeka and her husband, the sound director, Edgardo Vertanessian - approached me to record a solo album. It was in March last year, the pandemic had just begun. Despite the restrictions of the pandemic, this idea was realized with great inspiration and energy, and I am extremely glad that even before the release of the album, the recordings of the compositions included in it were noticed and appreciated in the world.

Marina Rebeka and Edgardo Vertanessian offered me to record an album that would be bright, unusual and different from my previous repertoire. Far from the music of Beethoven, Schumann and Chopin, which I perform regularly. We chose the two composers very carefully - Gershwin and Debussy, between whom an interesting duet grew. Because they were both great innovators - just as Claude Monet was the first real impressionist painter, so Debussy was the inventor of a completely new piano style. His music needs a completely different touch than Brahms, Rachmaninoff and any other musician of the time. He is quite a personality. And Gershwin is the same - the first real master of jazz music who wrote for the piano and did it very successfully. I recorded the works of both of these composers, and I got 24 compositions as 24 tonalities. These are 24 moments from the beginning of the 20th century, where you can hear both the energy, joy and emotions that are characteristic of Gershwin's music, as well as the sophistication, nuances and melodies that are in Debussy's music.

Andrejs Osokins. Between two worlds


Kultūrvietā “Hanzas perons” pagājušās nedēļas nogalē norisinājās “Austras balvas 2024” pasniegšanas ceremonija, kas beidzās ar nelielu (daudziem pat lielu) pārsteigumu – par prestižās balvas ieguvējiem kļuva jau daudzus gadus nepastāvošā grupa “kuba”, kura šovasar izdeva pirms diviem gadu desmitiem radītus ierakstus. Kā tā? Pavērsim priekškaru.